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I'm sorry if there are any grammar mistake and feel free to correct me ^^
"Ugh!They are literally glued to him!"The attacker yelled in frustration

The attacker has been trying to kill Halilintar,but Gempa and Taufan are always there to protect him

"How the hell am I supposed to kill him like this!?There are traps everywhere!"

Since the attacker kept trying to kill Halilintar,Taufan decided to put traps everywhere

"I fucking hate them,especially the one with blue eyes"

The attacker took out his dagger and sharpened it.His mood was getting better and he finally calmed down

Suddenly Thorn appeared in front of him with foods in his hands

The attacker threw the dagger at Thorn,but Thorn manage to catch the dagger with a plant

"I'm not here to hurt you"Thorn said

"Then why the hell are you here!?And how did you even find me!?"

"I'm here because Hali told me to bring you some food and no,I did not find you.Hali was the one that found you"

"Why the hell did he tell you to bring me food!?"

"I don't know,I'm just doing what he asks me for"

"Don't come near"The attacker growled

"Alright"Thorn replied and put the food on the ground in front of him and stepped back

"Tch,I won't eat it.It's probably poisoned"

"It's your choice"Thorn replied and shrugged

"Whatever....why aren't you leaving?You already brought me food"

"I wanted to ask you something"

"Fine...what is it?"

"Why do you want to kill Halilintar so much?"

"Because I hate demons and he is a demon"

"But he didn't hurt you,did he?"

"I will still kill him"

"Alright"Thorn replied and sighed

"You're not mad?"The attacker asked confused by his reaction

"Well I guess a's not like I really care about him....but I don't hate him either and I think that what you're doing is wrong"

"I thought you cared about him?"

"I do,a little bit.I don't want to get hurt,so I only trust him a bit"

"Then why are you staying with him?"

"I have nowhere to go and beside,it's not like he has any intention of hurting me"

"Ofcourse he does!"

"And how do you know?"

"Because he is a demon!"


"Demons are cruel creature!"

"So are humans.For example my parents wanted to sell me.Isn't that cruel?Selling your own child...despite being a demon,Halilintar is much more nicer than a lot of humans in the world"

"They wanted to sell you...?"The attacker asked and his voice filled with pity

"Yeah,but it's fine now.I'm safe now,atleast for now"

"And you don't hate them for it..?"

"I was hurt,yes,but I don't hate them.I just simply dislike them"

"I see..."

"Welp imma go now"Thorn said and left

"I really thought that he really cares about him....perhaps he didn't realized it?The way he looks at's like he would do anything for's either he is good at pretending or just doesn't realized it"The attacker thought to himself and continued to sharpened his dagger

"I do care...but I don't want to get hurt..."Thorn thought on the way back"I can't get attached to him...just like he said,if I don't trust someone completely than it wouldn't hurt that much when they betray me..."

The day passed by and everyone except Halilintar is asleep.The other didn't allow him to get out at night,especially alone,but he did it anyway

"You're there aren't you?"Halilintar asked

"Yeah,finally you are alone again"The attacker said as he came out of hiding

"Yeah...they just won't leave me alone"Halilintar replied

The attacker held a dagger next to Halilintar's throat and said "Why do you want to die so badly?You have them,they care about you don't they?"

"Maybe,I don’t know and I don't care.I have no reason to live"

"What about them?Aren't they enough reason to live?"

" whole world was my brother Boboiboy,but he is gone now...I have no reason to live,now that my world is gone"

"Good point,but you don't care about them one bit do you?"


"Tch,ofcourse you don't!You're just playing with their feelings!"The attacker said with a disgusted tone

"I'm not"

"Then how do you explain that,hm?"

"I only have them a place to say,I have never told them that I cared for them nor did I say that they could trust me"

The attacker hummed as a respond and he was about to stab Halilintar's heart,but then he stopped even though Halilintar didn't fight back and his dagger was inces away from his heart

"Is it really right what I'm doing...?"The attacker thought and remembered Thorn's word

"But he didn't hurt you,did he?"

"He's right,he didn't hurt was another demon and they are already dead....what's the point of killing all of their kind?I have already avanged my family....why..?why do I want to spare him so much...?"The attacker thought to himself as a tear fell from his eyes

"Hm?"Halilintar was confused to why he suddenly stopped and even shed a tear but decided to just stay quiet and wait for him to kill him

"I hate demons so why...?Why does he suddenly change my mind...?why?just why..?But now that I think about it...there really is no point in killing all of their kind....and.....he didn't hurt me...not once...he even helped me when I was hurt and gave me food....He didn't held a grudge against why did I held a grudge against him...?Was I really that blinded by rage and hate?Was I that blinded that I didn't realized his kindness?He even let me kill defending,no fighting....what am I doing...?"

The attacker pulled his dagger away from Halilintar's throat and look away while wiping his tear

"Why did you stop?"


"I'm not sure either..."The attacker thought

"You shouldn't give up your life,you still have someone that cares about you..."

With that he left leaving Halilintar there,confused to why he suddenly changed his mind

" chance to die dissappeared..."Halilintar sighed and went inside
I hope you enjoyed:D

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