Chapter Six

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Fiona peeked at the morning light strewn throughout her mother's hospital room as she felt a tender hand caressing her hair and a smile flooded her face. Turning her head over atop the bed, she met her mother's gaze and finally sat up. After stretching her hands high above her head and hearing Cynthia chuckle, she glanced back at her, trying her hardest to ignore the noisy machines to which she was secured. It was a futile effort the moment she met her mother's soft gaze and the tears came.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean" Fiona trailed off as she tried to quickly wipe away the sobs that just wouldn't stop their flow.

Cynthia cupped her cheek and brushed away a few of her tears, stilling her movements. "Enough of that now. I beat this before and I can do it again. So no more sadness."


Fiona scooted her chair closer to her hospital bed and as if picking up on her intentions, her mother lifted the sheets and pat the bed beside herself. Without hesitation, she scurried into the bed and outstretched along her mother's side, releasing a sigh of relief as she held her closely. Cynthia chuckled against her as she kissed the bridge of her head, then lifted her chin to look into her eyes.

"How are things going lately, munchkin? Did I hear you may have found someone special?" Her mother's habitually relaxing grin didn't carry its usual enthusiasm and was haggard, only making her personal interests an after thought as she scanned her features with her eyes.

"What did the surgeon say, mom? Can you please tell me now?"

"I asked a question first." She winked and scrunched her closer into herself, rubbing her cheek along the top of her head. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours that won't let you just enjoy a calming morning with your mother, discussing this Kanda person? I hear she may be quite a bit younger than you? And is an art instructor and graphic artist?"

"Rather than in my mind, it's all around us, mom. It's called a hospital." Fiona sat up and moved to the edge of the bed, crossing her short legs as she turned to face her mother. "I'll tell you about her once I know what the doctors said. I need to know that first, mom. Now spill."

"Only on the condition that you will once I'm done." Fiona nodded with a few pokes at her side, impatiently awaiting what she hoped wouldn't be completely devastating news, but preparing for the worst. "They found more mets in my lungs again that did not come back benign. After keeping me for observation, however, they will remove what they can and I will begin chemotherapy soon thereafter. Just the same as before." She pushed the button for the bed to slightly incline along her back and reached for Fiona's hand, squeezing it a few times. "And just like before, I will beat this."

"But how far along is it? And Doctor Yu is certain she can--"

"Yes, sweetheart. She will be just as aggressive as last time and I have full faith in her capabilities." Cynthia leaned forward and brushed a tear Fiona hadn't even realized she shed from her cheek, finally adding, "It will be okay. Now it's your turn." She sat back and grabbed her water from the table beside her bed. "Tell me about this Kanda woman. What is she like?"

After she finished taking a few swigs from her water cup, Fiona took it from her and set it back atop the bedside table. "She works in the same building as me and as unlikely a circumstance, she actually lives in my townhome complex. Apparently she and Chloe met after one of the many times she went to my place to wait for me after school and the two of them just hit it off. Now she's teaching her so many things, mom, and Chloe has taken such a shine to her."

"That tells me how Chloe feels about her, which is very good with how hard you searched for a replacement instructor, but what about how you feel about her?" Fiona finally tore her eyes away from the bedside table and peered over at her mother, releasing a tired chortle. "Tell me how you see her."

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