🌷||Volume 2||🌷

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~Chapter 2~
"The Moon's Jealousy"

(Warning in this chapter)
Boy x Boy
Tanjirou x Muichiro

Muichiro's pov

Recently, a boy kept hanging around me, it's been a few days since Tanjirou and I became friend's. I enjoyed his company, and surprisingly, he makes me laugh. I walked around the area, where we first hanged out around, and the looking at the beautiful scenery, I couldn't help but admire it a little more.

 I walked around the area, where we first hanged out around, and the looking at the beautiful scenery, I couldn't help but admire it a little more

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There were shades of pink and shades of little baby purple. I admired it and kinda just kept exploring a little more and then when things could get better, a butterfly landed on my nose, I lend out my finger and the butterfly stood on my finger, it was quite windy today, the butterfly seemed to like me, it was an orange butterfly, I could see why so many people like these things, they were so beautiful. They were like flying beetles or something. I slowly smiled at the butterfly slowly and than heard Shinobu yelled for me and the butterfly sadly flew away and I turned around to face her.

"Hey Muichiro, you finally smiled after a long time, what going on lately, ever since you met that Tanjirou guy, you actually been smiling a little more, and you been acting a little strange. May I ask why~?"

"N-No reason..just in a good mood.. lately..I think.."

"I think you like him!" I turned around and looked at her with a surprised expression. "N-No...just a sudden change.." she seems to smile a little and said, "well if you want to talk to your boyfriend, I last seen her hanging out with Kanao I believe" K-Kanao? Doesn't she have a crush on him. I nodded a walked away. I heard Tanjirou is still trying to get things to be normal again between the two.

Kanao had more of a sad expression on her face lately ever sense the rejection. I looked around and then found the two smiling and interacting with each other.

They seemed happy that close to each other, I forgot how long they known each other

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They seemed happy that close to each other, I forgot how long they known each other. I tried to not think about it, and instead decided to continue forward and walk towards them, talking on Tanjirou's shoulder. He turned around and faced me and smiled, "Hey Muichiro! How are you doing?" I smiled and answered, "Okay...how bout you?"

"Not bad! I was talking to Kanao about the weather today! I think it might snow, it's been getting a little colder lately and it's getter colder by the days! Most likely we will!" I never seen snow in a little while, I always been sick around the winter times, the only other than being sick that sucks is that the pretty Sakura trees lose the pretty color on them. But the snow is not that bad on it, I prefer it with color. It looks more alive that way and that way only. For some reason when that girl is around Tanjirou lately I did not feel comfortable with that. I don't think it should matter though, what harm can she do?

"Hey Muichiro! I want to talk t-to Tanjirou alone for a little i-if that is okay with you..if you want to hang out with him, t-thats fine, I can leave" She smiled so sweetly, I didn't want to see that rude so I nodded.

I hugged Tanjirou, glaring at the girl as she seems to look frighten, and when Tanjirou looked away and I began walking, she yanked my hair a little and acted like everything was normal. Bitch if I may say, I think it meant female dog? I forgot-when someone makes me mad, Sanemi says to just refer to them like that. I walked away and felt a little drop of something, I looked around and was small white flakes or something, very little of them.

Maybe Tanjirou was right, maybe it might start snowing soon, it was getting a little cold, and I always forget to bring a jacket around these times. I headed inside the building and met up with my other friends, "your back early..thought you ran of with your boyfriend like in Juliet and Romeo" Obanai said, "Some girl... politely asked me to leave.."
"I respect that" Gyomei commented. I looked outside and saw most students coming in, atleast the students like me without a jacket. The snow was starting quite early this year, earlier than usual, I wonder why, it's November, the beginning of it, maybe the Earth soun to fast and the snow flee to our side, I don't think things work like that though.

"What are you guys doing this winter break? Besides chrismas?" Sanemi asked, "I'ma just spend my time with my cat and maybe we might hang out if we happen to run into each other or bored! Nothing much, I think all of us just want to chill because it's one if our first breaks of the year!" Mitsuri yelled. I was not doing anything today, just gonna take care of Yuichiro again, he been sick lately. "How bout you Muichiro? Or is Yuichiro still sick again?" I nodded and Renkoku sighed. A little later Tanjirou and Kanao came in and she seemed to be blushing, what were they talking about? Was it really just the weather? I hated the feeling of not knowing certain things, it's annoying. When the bell rang, it was time for class, and I was again pushed in the hallways during it and I turned around and pushed them back and walked away, while their friends laughed at them for the sudden action.

Deserved it though.

"Hey Muichiro! Do you want to hang out with me today? After school?" Tanjirou came up behind me and asked, I thought about it and answered, "I'll have to take care of my older brother first, we can hang out after though." He smiled and nodded and walked out before the second bell rang. "How come he talks to you and not me? You kinda ruining his reputation!" Some girl interrogated and I ignored her, people these with their dumb questions. I tapped my own repeatly, bored in class until the teacher walked in.

Eventually the final bell rang, and it was time to leave, I walked outside and most of the areas are covered in snow, it was really cold and I shivered, I wave goodbye to my friend's and I felt someone wrap their sweater around me and I turned around to see Tanjirou. "W-What are you doing?" He zipped up the sweater and told me, "You looked cold, you can give it back to me later, I'll be fine." I felt my face heat up and I bowed down to him and he smiled waving me goodbye.

When I walked home, I immediately ran into my room, to see a sick Yuichiro again on the ground awake, reading a book. He looked over to me and said, "You didn't left wearin-where did you get that?" I took off the sweater and answered, "A friend at School"

"Your going on dates? Traitor, your trying to leave me behind aren't you."
"What's their name?"
"July 14th"
"What are his intentions with you"
"I don't know"
"Favorite food?"
"Don't know"
"Any siblings?"
"Yes, I think 5?"
"How long have you known him?"
"2 weeks and 3 days.."
"What's his favorite thing to do?"
"Hang out with people he loves."

He was about to say something else but I stopped him and told him I was gonna make some soup for him and I walked into the kitchen and began grabbing stuff and then ai heard him yell, "ARE Y'ALL DATING?" I rolled my eyes.
As if he would be my boyfriend.

Thank you
for reading

The Moon met the Sun who Admired Him|Muichiro x Tanjirou/Demon slayerWhere stories live. Discover now