Edith Nico Hawkin (Weltenreisender)

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Before we start the creator of this character has an OC review book too! I'd recommend checking them out as they have some really good opinions!

TW: homophobia, blood, beating, death

Fandom: None, it's mainly like our world but with more occult happenings

Ah! You don't see that too often.

Name: Edith "Nico" Hawkins

Why is their chosen name in quotation marks? Is it because it's not their legal name? Or another reason not reaching the mind?

Name meaning: None, but Nico means "victory of the people, somewhat symbolizing the rise and acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community they are a part of

Oh! So Nico did their research! It's good that you gave the name a meaning to Nico's chosen name, often times I see creators just put in a name that sounds cool. I'll admit I do this too, but I still like how you researched their name.

Nicknames: Edith (only by their family), Nico (chosen name), vampire (by their friends)

Why would Edith be considered a nickname if their family only uses it because they don't accept Nico for what they are? Vampire is also quite funny with the explanation.

Age: died with 19, would be 21

Ah! You don't necessarily see someone whose freshly an adult Oc wise. While yes, they are 21 in how long they've been somebody. They still most likely have the mentality and physicality of a 19 year old. So yeah.

Gender: Nonbinary -> they/them

Sexuality: Ace, Demiromantic

Species: Once human, now ghost

Ah, I'm guessing that there's only one type of ghost, a ghost, but still, ghost.

Nationality: [I don't really know yet, but maybe from the middle of Europe]

Best of luck finding where they'll be from.

Appearance: Their skin is a little pale, as goes for all ghosts, with faded freckles running over a normal sized nose. High cheekbones and ever-tired (once brown) eyes make them look like a vampire, to which they were often compared to. Nico often runs their long fingers through their short dark hair, which results in a coordinated mess that somehow never really looks good. Sometimes a tired smile can be seen on thin lips, a flickering light fighting against the emptiness of space since they left our plane of existence. With a height of about 1,80m [5'9"] their agile body hides a generous amount of strength because they regularly went bouldering. Few scars can be seen on their skin, mostly from little accidents as many people have, like one above the left knee from tripping over a pothole which resulted in a gash that had to be sewn.They have a small tattoo between neck and shoulder on the right side of their back (I don't really know how to describe it) depicting a viking-rune for protection and another one around their right wrist spelling the elven words on the One Ring. Nico would've loved to get more tattoos on their right arm until it was a sleeve consisting of more runes and things that mattered to them, but they died before they had the chance to do that.As Nico is a ghost, they have some special features, for example they are slightly transparent. They also are greyish, like ash or fog over a river in winter; they somewhat look like someone from a really old black-white-movie who just happens to be standing - or floating - in some room, looking like they are figuring out what they were going to do.

Ah yes, I see what you meant by writing in a large amount of detail now. Though, why the viking rune?

clothing: rugged jeans, a pair of worn-out sneakers and a plain shirt in an unassuming color usually do the job, if it's cold a warm hoodie-jacket in dark brown. some colorful pride-themed bracelets and one handmade from leather are always on their left hand.As their birthname might suggest, they were born female, so a dark grey binder also is worn at all times.Since they can't change their wardrobe anymore, they're bound to what I mentioned above, but as said in black and white. The only colored thing in their appearance is the blood which soaked the once orange shirt, big, dark red spots on back and chest, parts of the right sleeve and zipper of the jacket also tainted.

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