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It's now sunday and Blair just got back in the academy after visiting her family.

She's on her way to her best friend's room, carrying some cookies her mother made, Kali loves her mothers homemade cookies so she brought her some.

Turning a corner only a few doors from Kali and Bella's room, Blair suddenly stopped on her tracks when she caught a glimpse of blonde locks exiting from one of the rooms down the hallway.

She gulped as she felt her heart beats faster. It's been a few days since she saw her.

The blonde walked towards where Blair is standing, the latter felt her knees about to give up when the blonde looked up and locked eyes with her

"Hey, Blair." The blonde acknowledge her presence throwing her a warm smile.

Blair returned the smile a little awkwardly. She's nervous, and it's always been like this everytime she saw her. The blonde has this big effect on her and Blair won't deny she likes her, a lot.

"Hi, Ria." She simply greets back, swallowing the nervousness she's feeling as of the moment.

"Where are you going?" The blonde asked, stopping in front of blair.

Ria and Blair aren't friends, sure they've had a few conversations before and have hung out a couple of times given that Ria and Celestine are friends, but Blair do not consider Ria as a friend, not because she don't want to but because of 2 reasons, first because they barely know each other that much and second, because she got some feelings for the woman.

"I'm on my way to Kali's room. Why are you here though? Isn't your room on the right wing?" Blair knew because she's from the right wing too, Only a floor higher than ria's.

"Oh, yeah. I actually just transfered, Room 2-07. Ely's roommate just left so she asked me to move in."

"Oh." Was Blairs response. "That's nice. Anyway, I can't talk for long, Kali is waiting for me so, I'll just see you around?"

"Oh, okay. I'll see you around Blair."

Blair waved bye before walking past the woman and toward Kali's room. She knocked on the door. As she saw Ria's figure walking away, She exhaled a breathe.

The door opened then revealed Kali with a huge smile on her face giving Blair a tight hug, like they haven't seen each other for years when it's only been just 2 days.

Blair reciprocated the hug.
"I missed you." Kali said as she released the older and allowing her to enter the room.

"I missed you too. I brought you mom's homemade cookies." She said as she handed her best friend the container.

The younger quickly grabbed the item being handed to her by Blair.

"You seem tense. What happened?" Kali casually asked taking out the cookies from the bag and munching on one.

The moment Kali saw Blair standing outside her door, She already can tell something's bothering her best friend. She can read her easily, even without using her powers.

"I've met Ria on the way here." Blair sat down on the bed, Bella's bed to be exact.

"Ria?" Kali squints her eyes, a smirk slowly forming on her lips ready to tease her best friend.

Just as she was about to open her mouth, Blair quickly threw a pillow at her hitting her straight in the face.
"Don't even try, Kalliste Neredras."

"What?" The younger pouts. "I'm only just going to ask what happened."

Blair rolled her eyes at the younger.
"Had a little conversation, found out she transfered room to 2-07, two doors away from here." She explained.

" That is Ely's room right?"

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