Chapter six

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Visions of violence had crushed Rose's spirit when she had followed Jack, and allowed him to lead her into the unknown with only the trust which she had put into him, almost faithfully. Now, though, she found herself in a place so close to heaven that she had felt the rims of her eyes fill with water just a little. Up ahead, along the base of a cliff sat what seemed to be a hundred different rocks, gathered together of varying descriptions. The frothy, blue salt water crashed into them; the sun reflected the shoreline in waves, then gently rolled up to the increasingly rising tide line. The wave stopped as it reached the tide line and slowly rolled back into the churning ocean water. This relaxing rhythm of continuous lapping waves was music to their ears. Ocean breezes gently swayed the nearby leafy trees. The sun was peeking through the heavy, white clouds illuminating the sky in a dazzling glow, causing the fluffy, white sand to appear darker in colour as well. All was still and quiet, other than the sound of crashing waves. God's painted masterpiece was a glorious sight to witness.

Taking herself to the edge of the rocks, Rose stopped, with the breeze taking her soul to a place made of complete peace. This was just what she had thought of since she was a little girl. How beautiful it had been in her mind, but now, it was before her.

''Is this what you had to show me?''

Coming closer to her, Jack stepped onto one of the thicker white rocks and leant against a higher one but remaining a safer distance away from her, as though he knew that she had to take in the sights of this world.


''It is wonderful, isn't it?''

It was as though there was only the two of them in existence. Miles of sand stretched behind them, a row of houses in sight at the base of the cliffs above, which sheltered them from the clouded sun but it wasn't cold. A barely their breeze dwindled past now and then just a gentle reminder of its presence. What was more wonderful than a spring morning? The freshness of the coming day seemed to awaken her.

''It certainly beats the Black Bull'' Jack laughed and she smiled, glowing in the light.

''Yes, even the name caused me to shiver in a way of terror.''

Jack came closer to her, slowly as though he was approaching a spooked horse. Rose didn't seem real to him in a way. She moved, placing one foot on the lowest rock. The trickling sound of the water seemed to entice her out to it and she settled herself on a rock which faced Jack.

''I don't think I have ever seen such a true wonder. Not even whilst out at sea." Rose's voice was sweet and calming. She turned to see how his eyes looked darker in the dim sun. When she found his gaze, he glanced out to the waves and sighed. She felt there a gap there, between them and she almost wished to fill it. ''If my mother saw this, she wouldn't find any beauty in it, nor would Cal.'' It was the first time she had mentioned his name. ''My crowd, they just think they're giants and able to control everything around them. The men are used to becoming industrialists, building large objects and inventing. Yes, it's a decade in which we have discovered so much but what about the wonders of nature, too?''

''They're probably not too fond of it.''

''No, art is worthless unless it has a high value. Fashion is disposed of as though it is nothing. A dress from last year is highly despicable to be seen worn to breakfast, never mind out to a play.'' Rose laughed, as she glanced down to the hideous oversized dress which she wore at the moment. ''They contribute to charities, make sizable donations to appear respectful and yet, they're not exactly solving world hunger. They don't give a damn about anything other than their own reputations.''

''What about you? I think you were mailed to the wrong address somewhere along the lines.''

Rose raised her chin, smiling at his jest and her stomach felt funny. Warm. Without a care."

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