Chapter 001

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Aurora Hale has been through hell and back these past couple of years, she has lost more then she has gained and is trying not to focus on everything she had to leave behind.


Smoke filled the house quicker then anyone could have predicted, Aurora's Uncle Peter had taken off his shirt and put it to auroras face to try and stop the smoke from getting in her lungs. It wasn't long before the screams of her pack could be heard.

"You need to run tiger! You need to get out of here!" Peter shouted over the screams.

"No! What about you! What about mum!"aurora cried.

"We will be right behind you" Peter claimed

"Go to our safe spot" Peter added knowing that there very well could still be a threat outside and wanted to know for sure that she would be safe.

What Aurora didn't see was the look that Talia hale gave to her brother, they both knew that she wasn't going to be able to make it out of the cellar anytime soon, but Aurora didn't need to know that.

"Run!" Peter yelled.

Aurora ran as fast as her little legs could take her manoeuvring her way out of her burning home. She didn't stop when she made it out of the house, she only stopped when she made it to her tree house that only herself and her uncle knew of. She buried herself in the blankets she had left the night prior and waited for her mum and uncle to meet her.

Aurora waited until the morning before she realised no one was meeting her, she slowly made her way back home hoping that everyone would be safe. She wrapped herself in the thin blanket and slowly approached what was left of her home. She could hear the ambulances before she even got close but didn't want to believe that they were here for her pack... her family.

As she got closer she could see her older sister Laura and older brother Derek crying in each others arms as she approached the house. Just as she came into view Laura cried out and threw herself onto Aurora.

"OMG AURORA YOUR HERE!, WERE WHERE YOU!, ARE YOU OK?,ARE YOU HURT?" Laura rambled checking her younger sister for any sign of injury.

Derek was quick to follow in his older sisters footsteps and wrapped his younger sister in a tight hug.

"Your safe now tiger, I've got you" he whispered into her hair as she broke down into tears as she realised that the three of them was all that were left.

Flashback end

So when she finds herself waking up every second night with vivid flashbacks of a violent raging fire Aurora isn't very keen to go to her visions location to figure out what's happening. But the pull that only seems to get stronger as she gets older is screaming at her to follow her gut and not her head.

It's been over a week since Aurora has called her brother back but in her defence she's been a bit busy with a group of psychotic power hungry assholes tracking down her every move. Which is also why she's been putting off following this invisible pull, what if it leads her to them, what if she puts more people in danger with her new change in location. It was then that she decides she needed advice that only came from her brother.

She picks up her phone and dialled his number into her burner phone. And waited for him to pick up, it only rung twice before the other line connected.

"Hello?" A familiar rough voice Ecco's through her phones speaker.

"Hey Der-bear been a while huh?" She shakily replied.

A breathe of relief could be heard from the other side. "Tiger, are you ok?, are you safe?" He softly questioned

"I mean I'm pretty sure there still on my ass so yeah I'm great!" She sarcastically replied

"We'll I think you might be able to catch a break because there is a possibility that they could be making there way to beacon hills" he replied his voice filled with relief that his sister will be somewhat safe but also nerves of what is coming to beacon hills.

"Fuck are you serious!" She hastily replied nervous for her brothers safety.

"Hey I'm gonna be ok, now how are those visions have you had any more?" He asked

"Yeah there coming more frequently maybe around twice a week now but they go on for longer now." She nervously replied playing with her fingers she didn't want to tell her brother the truth that she was having them more then twice a week but more like every second day but he didn't need to know that. she continued. "I keep getting more flashes of this super aggressive fire, but now there are other images there blurry but I can kind of make out what they are." She finished

"And what is it?" Derek pushed wanting to make sure that she's not in danger.

"Eyes... glowing yellow eyes.... Derek they look like our eyes but they aren't ours." She said starting to pick at the skin on her fingers.

The line went silent for a few second before Derek spoke again. "Your wanting to figure out where these visions are taking place don't you" he replied

"No but I have a feeling if I follow the pull it might be connected to my visions... right I mean it could be possible" she said hoping that Derek sees where she is coming from.

"I know that once you have your mind set on something it's almost impossible to change your mind but please stay safe and don't put yourself in unnecessary danger" he responded hoping that she actually listened to him this time.

"I really miss you, I wish you were here with me" she mumbled thinking about how long it's been since the siblings have actually been with one another.

"I miss you too cub but you need to stay strong ok you know it isn't safe for us to be together just yet, I can't lead them to you I won't" he said but you could hear the pain in his voice.

"Is that tiger on the phone" a voice on the line called out in the background.

"Peter shut the fuck up and go back to being a pain in everyone else but my ass" Derek yelled out but was interrupted as Peter snatched the phone out of his hands.

"How has my cub been huh staying out of trouble I hope" Peter asked on the other end.

"I thought Derek killed you?, hey Derek how do you fuck up killing someone I mean you slashed his throat how do you fuck that up" she exclaimed

"Tiger fuck off" Derek's voice yelled in the background.

"Ok I'm done we'll Nice talking to you again der-bear, not so much Peter. Toodles" and with that Aurora hung up the phone and started packing what little left of her belongings she had left in a bag.

Nerves started to eat her up as she finishes packing making sure that the necklace her mother had given her was still secure around her neck. Memories of when her mother would wear it 24/7, when she thinks about it she never saw her mother without it before it was given to her. She holds onto the beautiful sunset coloured crystal attached to a strong but delicate gold chain. Before she lets out a deep breathe and zips up her bag ready for her mornings new adventure.

I couldn't find a lot of wolf pack story's seeing as though the series is so new, so I thought screw it I'll make one myself so hope you guys enjoy !

(Not edited)

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