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My father's head snapped in my direction giving me a questioning look. I only shrugged in response, not knowing the meaning of this.

"Listen, if Tsu'tenyi did anything out of line I greatly apologize," he said to Tsireya. I stood there slightly hurt that my father was quick to assume that had done something wrong.

I never did any of the actions I took the punishment for, but still, my father only saw me as a mess up. All of his kids were. We could do everything right, and it still wouldn't be enough.

"I am unsure of the purpose of this call," Tsireya added, making my dad tense more. I stepped up to Tsireya ready to follow her. I turned and looked at my dad before I left as he gave me an intense "don't fuck this up" look.

I followed closely behind Tsireya as we stepped on the bouncy material below us to her home.

The villagers happily greeted me as I passed, making my heart swell with joy. I was highly respected in my own clan, but I was only able to be who my father allowed me to be. It made me feel like I was only a perfectly crafted daughter he wished to have, and not myself.

But as I saw the smiles on their faces as Tsireya and I passed, I knew that what I had in front of me was made only by me. It had no bigger purpose. There was no one I was trying to be, and there was no one I was trying to please.

A huge tent-like structure appeared in front of us, making my nerves run loose. I looked back as my tail began to swish nervously behind me as we got closer to the home.

"I do not know the reason she called on you, but she did not seem to be in bad spirits," Tsireya reassured as we neared the entrance.

She walked in happily announcing my presence. I noticed Ronal on the floor with an assortment of plants and mixtures spread inform of her. My attention was also drawn to the rustle on the other side of the home by Ao'nung and his father as they whispered to each other. I was quick to greet them as they turned their attention toward me.

"Tsu'teyni, my people greatly enjoyed your stories yesterday," the Chief addressed, walking up towards me. I smiled as he put a hand on my shoulder in gratitude.

"You're people were generous enough to listen. I thank your whole clan for being so accepting of my family," I responded, flicking my eyes over to Ao'nung at the last sentence.

Tonowari only smiled as he passed me and walked out of the exit. I turned my attention to Ronal as she kept her sharp eyes on me.

"Sit," she instructs gesturing to the space in front of the bowls placed before her. I eagerly followed and smiled at her.

She gave me the same intense look she always did before talking, "Show me what you were taught," she demanded. I looked down at the foreign plants in front of me and felt my heart drop. I had never used any of these materials before in my life.

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