Chapter 27

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When the game was over Konomi went back to her room to get ready for the day.
She quickly took off Mikey's clothes as she slipped into the shower to take a warm shower, when she finished she searched her closet and decided to wear some black jeans with a black short sleeved botton up shirt.
She then put on some lipgloss and put her hair in a high ponytail.
She then put in her earpods picked up her phone and played Ava Max songs as she left for Mikey's office.

Konomi: (dancing) my head and my heart lalalalalala.

She was dancing as she ran into Yutaro and Watoshi in the elevator.

Yutaro: good morning.

Watoshi: Morning (smiles).

Konomi: hey what's up.

Yutaro: (hands her a file) these are the reports from yesterday.

Konomi: (quickly flips through the file) mhmm thanks, I was actually going to Mikey's office so I'll let you know if anything comes up.

Watoshi: of course.

Konomi gets off on Mikey's floor and heads to his office.

Konomi: (knocks on the door) good morning.

Mikey: come in.

Konomi entered the office seeing Mikey in his usual position, she also saw Ran, Sanzu and Hanma sitted on a couch in the office all smiling at her.

Konomi: hello?

Mikey: sit (points to a sit next to him).

Konomi walks over to Mikey and sits on the chair.
As she sits Mikey puts his hand on her thigh squeezing it gently.

Konomi: (blushing) um (hands Mikey the file) here is the report.

Mikey: (puts the file on his table) last night I told you you would be going on a mission with three executives.

Konomi: yeah.

Mikey: you'll be going with Sanzu, Ran and Hanma.

Konomi: (looks at the three of them) *what kind of combination is this?*

Mikey: you'll be headed to Kyoto in three days to clear out a gang making trouble for us.

Konomi: clear out?

Sanzu: yeah basically put them out of commission permanently (smiles).

Konomi: right.

Mikey: make sure to takes out their important members and the head.

Konomi: yes.

Mikey: make sure to come back alive.

Konomi: I'll try, though I might die from losing braincells because of them (points to the three on the couch).

Mikey: I'm sure you'll be fine, that will be all you may leave (removes his hand from Konomi's thighs).

The four leave Mikey in the room as they make their way back to the parlor.

Ran: are you ready princess?

Konomi: I'm already exhausted and I haven't gone yet.

Hanma: (lights a cigarette and take a drag from it) don't be like that love, we'll protect you.

Konomi: I can handle myself.

Sanzu: oh we know that's why you'll be the one to kill the big boss.

Konomi: (smirks) really sounds fun.

Sanzu: (takes a pill) yeah it will be (smiles).

The four go back to the parlor where they were greeted by the others including Yutaro and Watoshi.

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