Chapter 30

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  The morning was cold as Konomi woke up, the sounds of laughing and arguing disruted her sleep.
    She went to the living room to find Sanzu, Ran and Hanma, but found them in the kitchen covered in flour and eggs.

Konomi: what are you guys doing?!

Sanzu: I wanted to show them I can cook, they were disturbing me (sniffs and walks over to Konomi).

Konomi: (hugs Sanzu) aww Haru it's okay, I'm sure you tried your best.

Hanma: stop crying you big baby, you can't cook.

Ran: I just wanted to make pancakes.

Konomi: (sighs and let's go of Sanzu) y'all are making me feel like a babysitter, go clean yourselves up and I'll make the pancakes.

Ran: (pecks her on the lips) thanks darling.

Hanma: (drags Sanzu) let's go clean up.

Sanzu: no I want to help.

Ran: (follows them) we'll be back.

   Konomi sighs as she puts on her apron, she quickly makes the batter and cleans the counter and the floor.
   She turns on the cooker and quickly fries the pancakes while making coffee.
    The three came back as she finished serving the food on the dining table.

Sanzu: we're back!

Konomi: good because I'm done.

Hanma: that was fast.

Ran: we've been trying to make one pancake for thirty minutes.

Konomi: your all so hopeless when it comes to the kitchen.

Sanzu: you can't blame us can you?

Konomi: let's just eat before it gets cold.

   The four of them took a sit and ate while discussing the plans for today.

Ran: as you know the party is tonight so we'll be able to take care of the boss today.

Hanma: but that's not all we'll also have to take care of the top members.

Sanzu: me and Ran can handle that.

Konomi: do I have to kill him quietly?

Hanma: I can take care of the other members that come with him just make sure to finish of the boss, killing him quickly and quietly is best, we don't want you getting hurt in any kind of unnecessary confrontation.

Konomi: alright then I'll just slit his throat no need for a gun.

Sanzu: we already know that most of the top members will be gathered today in one hotel, so we'll take advantage of that and finish them off.

Konomi: you better come back unharmed or else.

Ran: we'll be fine, Hanma you better take care of her.

Hanma: she'll be fine with me.

Konomi: so what do we do until then?

Ran: you don't have to do anything, just be ready to go on time, we have some things to do though so just wait here.

Konomi: can't I come?

Ran: we don't want to expose you more than we have to.

Konomi: fine whatever.

Sanzu: we'll be back soon so don't worry.

Konomi: (rolls her eyes) fine.

Hanma: by the way this is these are the best pancakes I've ever eaten.

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