Chapter 34

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Konomi: finally back in Tokyo.

Sanzu: yeah.

Ran: good to be back.

Hanma: aren't your hands getting tired from holding those fishes?

Konomi: nope these are my beloved Nemos hehe.

Ran: not all fish are Nemo, stop stereotyping them.

Konomi: shuush.

  The journey had come to an end and Hanma had pulled up in front of Bonten HQ.
Konomi: (comes down from the car) yes we're back, I'm let's go upstairs.

  They all went to the parlor.
Konomi announced her presence by shouting.

Konomi: what's up fuckers, guess who!!!!

Kokonoi: Konomi!! (Gently hugs her).

Rindou: finally back huh.

Kakucho: welcome back.

Takeomi: we heard you got shot how do you feel?

Konomi: I'm fine Omi.

Mochi: well that's a relief.

Rindou: are those fishes?

Konomi: my beloved Nemos to be exact.

Sanzu: be careful she's obsessed.

Ran: I think she loves the fish more than us.

Kokonoi: well they are cute.

Konomi: I know right, oh and Koko, Sanzu tried to cheat on you with Ran but I kept him in check.

Kokonoi: hmm?

Sanzu: what are you saying.

Konomi: don't worry you'll be fine, where's Mikey.

   Mikey suddenly walked out of the elevator.

Konomi: Mickey mouse clubhouse.

Mikey: I told you I'm not a cartoon character.

   Mikey accidentally hits the bowl in her hand and it fell to the ground and chatters.

Konomi: (looking at the ground in shock).

Sanzu: (backing up) well I think I should go to bed.

Ran: I think I need to water the walls they look dehydrated (backing up).

Hanma: I should probably go walk my gold fish (backing up).

Kokonoi: I'll go sweep the roof (backing up).

Rindou: the cliffs are calling I'mma head out (backing up).

Takeomi: (backing up) I need to go smoke some fish.

Mochi: (backing up) um I need to smoke some fish too.

Kakucho: (pressing the elevator button) um yeah bye.

  As soon as the elevator door opened they all ran inside leaving Mikey and Konomi standing in shock.

Mikey: um.

Konomi: Manjiro Sano I've got murder on my mind.

Mikey: don't worry they are plenty of fish in the sea.

Konomi: (sending him death glares) I just finished learning how to make dorayaki and tayaki but it seems I won't be needing that information anymore.

Mikey: what no I'm sorry.

Konomi: good night (leaving).

Mikey: I order you to make them.

Konomi: I will poison you.

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