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Raindrops fell down from the sky at a steady, peaceful pace.
Sitting on one of the rooftops in New York was a certain mutant turtle.
Leo is the leader now, but he was having doubts. He almost ended the world. He is trying so hard to do everything right and good for the team. Raph is on his case all the time.
Leo sits on the cold and wet rooftop as the rain falls down harder. He doesn't like crying. It makes him feel weak, especially right now. The rain luckily covers it up, the nly thing giving him away is his red, puffy eyes. Even then, it's dark outside.

Leo chuckles to himself, "Sometimes trying isn't it?"

He continues to sit there. He can't go home. Sure, he loves his brothers..but do they love him. All that goes on anymore is fighting. Loud, angry yelling. Mikey and Donnie stay out of it.
Thunder roars from the sky as the storm gets heavier. Leo likes it though. It's very calming for him.
His eyes trail down to his pocket, where he felt his phone buzz.

Raph has been demanding he come home for awhile now, but he gave up trying about an hour ago. He uses his blue, drenched hoodie to try and cover his phone from the rain.
He types in his password and goes to his messages.

We ordered pizza.

Leo looks at the text for a moment before smiling softly. He knows his twin isn't great with comfort, but he tries.

Another text pops up.

If you're in the rain for too long you could go into hibernation.

Leo starts typing a response, hesitating before pressing the send button.

Thanks D
I'll be home soon

Back in the lair

The softshell turtle sat in his lab, trying to distract himself from his brothers. The argument was intense today.

'Leo! You have to focus! The Foot are trying to cause problems again and all you do is goof off!' Raph lectures. He doesn't understand why dad made Leo leader. Was he not doing enough?

'Raph, I am trying my hardest here! I've never done this before.' Leo sighs. He seems tired. Why did he have to be leader? It's exhausting..especially after what happened with..them. Especially after the prison dimension.

Raphs gaze softens slightly, seeing how exhausted Leo is. 'Look, all I'm asking is that you think before you act.'

That's where Leo glances down at his gloves. No one notices, Donnie does though. He knows Leo is hiding something and he has a good hunch as to what it may be.

'I'm sorry.' That's all he says before he grabs his odachi and starts walking away.

"Where are you going?' Raph questions, suddenly worried.

Leo ignores him and keeps walking, unable to force himself to speak.


By that time Leo is gone.

Sure, this argument wasn't as aggresive as ones they've had before but something about this one gave everyone an unsettling feeling in their chest.

Donnie dramatically sighs, leaning backwards and rubbing his eyes. There's no way he can focus..not when Leo is still out. There's something really wrong here and he needs to figure it out. Donnie will never admit it, but he really cares about his twin. No matter how dorky and annoying he is, he's still Donnie's brother, and that will never change.

After about five minutes of staring off into space, Donnie can't take it anymore. He pulls out his phone and pulls up Leo's contact.

We ordered pizza.

Donnie isn't very good at comforting people but he sure as hell tries.

About two minutes pass and he tries again.

If you're in the rain for too long you could go into hibernation.

Donnie waits once again, almost giving up until he sees the response bubbles on his screen.

Thanks D
I'll be home soon


Donnie smirks to himself, victorious. Though he wasn't completely honest with Leo..we DID order pizza..we just..haven't gone to pick it up yet.

He pulls up his phone and messages Leo again.

Dear brother, whilst you are out, do you mind picking up the pizzas from Huesos?

gjhijhuyghu ok


Donnie rolls his eyes at Leo's response. Maybe now he can focus on his work, knowing that Leo is safe.

I hope you're enjoying it so far! Next chapter will be a lot more evenful haha.
Love you guys! Make sure to eat and drink water, stay safe lovelies<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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