Chapter 2 - New Life Of World Has A Incident

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It's been 3 months, since Sans and Gaster joined SDM. Sans is mostly show himself on corridors, chatting with Meiling or Flandre and usually sleeping on his room. Gaster mostly in library with Patchouli with reading some books and explaining her, about quantum physic and paralel universe existence. Gaster sometimes with Remilia and talk about some stuff with her. It's most likely Mansion things like safety, duties, responblities and some sneakers on mansion. Some people were try to sneak in those weeks, but they get cought by Sans. Then they became playmates of Flandre and...end up, just like the others. Sans relationship with Flandre, Remilia, Meiling and Koakuma is great. Sakuya mostly works, so they don't speak much. Patchouli is a bit different from others. They're relationship sometimes good and sometimes bad. Gaster relationship with others are really great. But just like Sans, he don't speak with Sakuya much because of her works. Whatever...a new day has begun on SDM and Sans was wake up earlier this time. For some reason, he can't sleep much for 2 week. He get up from his bed, wear his favorite and usual jacket and out of his room. He was walking on corridors and then he saw Sakuya. He think, this might be a chance to talk with her. He get right next to her and says:

Sans:"Good morning, Sakuya." he said.

She jumped as Sans talk.

Sakuya:"O-oh...It's you, Sans. Good morning. I don't think, you'll be wake so early." she said.

Sans:"Yeaaa...for those days I can't sleep much, at all." he said.

Sakuya:"Might be some sleeping problems. You know, some people have those problems." she said.

Sans:"Yes, that could be happen." he said.

Sakuya:"Can I ask you something?" She ask.

Sans:"You already asking something." he said.

Sakuya:"Whatever...can you look for Meiling. If she is sleeping, tell me. okay?" She ask.

Sans:"Okay." he said and teleported to gate.

As he teleported to gate, he found Meiling is asleep on standing. He wake her up with a bone to the head.


Sans:"You owe me, one." he said.

Meiling:"What?" she ask.

Sans:"Just get on to your position and you understand." he said.

As she listen Sans, Sakuya show up.

Sakuya:"Looks like, you're not sleeping this time Meiling." she said.

Meiling:"Yep. I didn't sleep at all." she lied.

Sans:"A bit look dizzy but she still awake." he said.

Sakuya:"...luckly someone is here to proof that you're not dazing off, your guard." she said.


Remilia called Sakuya and Sans to her room. Sakuya is the first person came to room. After her, Sans teleported into the room.

Remilia:"This month is about to be spring but for some reason snow is raining. I want both of you too find, who behind of this. And tell that, lazy hakurei maiden to do her job too." she said.

Sans:"Sure on that, bud'. Besides, I was bored by doing nothing at all." he said.

Sakuya:"Of course, I tell here milady." she said.

When they about to leave, they saw Gaster in front of door.

Gaster:"Excuse me, Miss Remilia. If there is no problem here, I want to go with Sans. After all, I need to keep an eye on him." he said..

Remilia:"Okay...Tell Patchouli that, you will go with them. After all, she can find some excuse for things." she said.

After Remilia finished, Gaster go to library to tell Patchouli, he will be go with Sans and Sakuya for a while. After that, they start to go find, who behind all of this. When they going to Hakurei Shrine, they cross with Marisa.

Marisa:"Oi! Hi Sakuya. How is it going?" She asked.

Sakuya:"Good. What about you? I heard you didn't borrow books from lady Patchouli, for a while."

Marisa:"Well about that...The last book I get from Patchy is a little unusual. When I about to read there was..." *Gets the book and showing pages* "This kinda of marks of shapes here." she said.

Sakuya looking to book a little and she realize, this books belongs to Gaster.

Sakuya:"...Wait...I know what's this. This is Mister Gaster book!" she said with anger.

Marisa:"What? Who is that guy? And why are you calling him as mister?" she ask.

Gaster: *Gets the book while she's not noticing* "Well I was searching for this for a long time." he said.

Marisa:"Uwah!?!" she yelled and get behind of Sakuya with instant fear. "S-S-Sakuya...What's that thing? And why does it have a pale complexion and appearance?" She asked with fear.

Sakuya:"First, he is Mister Gaster. Second, He is our new and has been for a while, a person of Scarlet Devil Mansion." she said.

Gaster:"About that. I'm not come along, you thief." he said.

Marisa:"Hey, I'm not a thief! I'm just borrowing them, until I die-ze." she said.

Gaster: *sigh* "Todays kids..." he mumbled as Marisa can hear.

Marisa:"I'm not a kid! I'm a teenager." she said.

Sans:"And we are an adult skeletons." He said behind Marisa's back.

Marisa was a little shocked as Sans suddenly spoke behind Marisa's back.

Sakuya: *Sigh* "Guess I need to explain her, about them." she said.

After she explain everything about them, they go to the Hakurei Shrine. They knocked the door and came in.

Reimu:"Oh hello. Isn't this is the maid of the vampire...wait, who you guys are!?" She ask and pointed her finger to Sans and Gaster.

Gaster:"My name is Gaster, W.D. Gaster. And this is my son, Sans. We came to this world 3 month ago." he said.

Reimu:"ughh...That gap hag." she said.

Sans:"We don't know what person you talking about but, it's a person do something about this. Then no. We came by ourselfs with my father help." he said.

Reimu:"Wait...You guys not came here because of Yukari?" she ask.

Sakuya get next to Reimu and whispered something. After she finished whispering Reimu get a bit shock. After she dazed off a little she talk:

Reimu:" guys came here becau-" before she can finish Gaster talked.

Gaster:"Yes...Indeed it is. So the reason we're here, help you to stop the incident." he said.

Reimu:"...Okay..." she said like, it's a pain.

Then 5 of them start their journey against, who responsible for this stolen spring.

*End of Chapter 2*

Author explanation:Hello everyone! Thank you for reading the chapter 2 of The Comedian Skeleton In SDM. I may have made some mistakes with the sentences, but if I finish the series in the future and do it again in a renewed way, I will pay attention to this.

Undertale belongs to Toby Fox

Touhou Project belongs to ZUN

LB Sans belongs to ZerJox and Team Imagination

This version of LB Sans belongs to FantasyVision

1165 word.

(1170 with those.)

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