Chapter 3 - The Netherworld And The Determinated One

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Sans:"Well...that's long way to come here." he said.

Reimu:"Hey, it's not my problem. Letty is one of the Youkai with connection to winter." she said.

Gaster:"Indeed Sans. There's might be a different Youkai also who has connection against it." he said.

Sans:"You're right, about that dad." he said.

Sakuya:"By the way, you're both not help at all. You even stop helping us, Sans." she said.

Sans:"Oh yeah, about that..." *Shown his chest* "When I help you guys, I was feeling a bit pain on my chest. Then I realized that the wound on my chest, though small, had dropping some blood." he said.

Gaster:"It must be the different type of magic, they had." *Turning to the others* "Our and yours magic might not have the same condution. So Patchouli's magic only made it, Sans to handle the wound but not truly healed it." *Turning his head to Sans* "When we return, I help to heal your wound Sans." he said.

After the little chat, they enter the netherworld.

Sans:"Wow... So this is the Netherworld. I think, it's almost same as Waterfall but with more differences." he said.

Even the reminding of Waterfall, make Sans a little uncomfortable. Which is reminding Papyrus, all time. Marisa seen Sans getting uncomfortable, so she go right next to him and cheer him up.

Marisa:"Oh, don't get uncomfortable-ze. I'm sure you will finally handle this." she cheer him.

Sans"...Thank you for that." he thanked.


As they finally come too, hakugyoku. The half-human and half-ghost, Youmu Konpaku block their way.

Youmu:"You humans should... *Seen Sans and Gaster* "...You humans and skeletons shouldn't come here. What's is your reason to come here?" she asked.

Marisa:"it is a easy explaination. We're here to stop the incident." She exclaimed.

Youmu:"Oh... So you're try to stop the Lady Yuyuko's plan. However, I'll not let you stop her plan, no matter what." she said.

Marisa:"Huh? Then this is what you wanted." she said.

Sans:"Let me joined this too." he said.

Marisa:"What!? But you-" before she finish, Sans cut her words.

Sans:"Don't worry, i'll be fine. Besides, I can let my body feel a-sleep without me." he said with pun.

In other side, Marisa doesn't like the joke but she nodded to let him join. Meanwhile, with others...

Gaster:"So...What should we do?" he ask.

Reimu:"Wait here. Besides, i don't want to let my energy gone with this fight." she said.

Sakuya:"Indeed." she agreed.

As the battle begin, Sans summons several bones from ground and pointed them to go Youmu. Youmu got her words and cut them with 3 second. Marisa was start to fly and shooting stars against her. Youmu also start to fly and dodging the attacks. Then Youmu find a open spot and dashing out of there, she directly attack Marisa. But then, a dragon style skull come in and block the attack. As her attack blocked, Sans used blue magic and limited Youmu gravity. Youmu as looked Sans, she understand that he was limited her gravity. She directly run into him, and Sans made a wall of bones. Bones are able to stop her attack but in result, she's no longer in blue magic. Sans realized this and summoned a blue bone attack her. Youmu saw the blue bone and try to cut it. But for some reason, blue bone doesn't cutted and it gave her a damage. However, Marisa start to use some stars again but this time have a little trick. She pull out the mini hakkero and use her spellcard.

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