Chapter 5.5 - In Party

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No one POV

Marisa:"So... fully healed, ze?" she asked.

Sans:"Yep, better than ever. But still not sure if my powers consume to make the wound appear again." he said.

Reimu:"Pretty sure, you didn't test it." she said as she aware of it.

Sans:"What can i say, i'm a back-bone for laying down to laziness. At least, i didn't made you guys chill to the bone in there." Sans said with a two pun.

Marisa:"Even i like jokes, the last one is not quiet funny. You could be dead, ze." she said.

Reimu:"Marisa is right. How can you be so calm about this?" she asked.

Sans:"Heh, trust me bud'. If you come back to live by a force, you should know, why i so calm about this." he said.

As he saying this, Reimu and Marisa remembers the backstory of both Sans and Gaster, which leading them understand, what he mean.

Aya:"Come back to life by a force? It is sure will be- GUH!?" before she could finish, a girl got her from her collar.

???:"Come on, you promise me to drink sake together." she said.

Aya:"Eh!? When did i promise such a thing like that!?" she asked with confusing.

Sans:"Is she gonna..." he was about to ask but Marisa answered.

Marisa:"No, she won't." she answered.

Meanwhile, Gaster taking a dip of his cup of tea, he looks bothered. Remilia who sitting beside him, realize this and wanted to ask.

Remilia:"Hey Gaster, is something bothering you?" she asked.

Gaster:"...Not really...Since the last incident. *Gaster looks at her, while putting the tea cup* When we go to resolve the incident, i had a feeling of watch. Doesn't matter how much i can sense it, there was no one there. I'm pretty sure, i didn't imagine things, because i can feel magic some magic not related to us. However, unlike the Patchouli ones, this has a different mean of energy." he explained.

Remilia:"Well, i can't say much. I only known two people with magic capability and those are Marisa and Patchy. But my count as magician, i don't much idea of other peoples capability with it, which making me hard to think. Is it possible-" before she can finish, Gaster spoke.

Gaster:"No. Nine of the incident makers or our group has this energy. The energy always come from a long distance, like someone is watching us, but importantly Sans and me." he finish.

Remilia:"...I...might have a guess. But not sure, is it true or not." she said.

Gaster:"You could tell me. It is sure might helpful for us to found this person." he said.

Remilia:"It's...Yukari Yakumo...I don't know to much about her, but in one party, i heard some rumors about her that, she's a gap youkai and can manipulate boundaries. She might realize that, you sense her presence, so before you can see, she close the her gap to watch you." she explained.

Gaster:" odd. This is the second time, i heard of Yukari. I guess, she's a important person in this universe, right" he asked.

Remilia:"I guess? I still don't know about her to much as well and those are the few rumors, i known." she said.

Gaster:"It is still better than knowing nothing. Thanks for the information." he thanked.

Remilia:"No problem but, will you say this to Sans? He might need to known this as well." she asked.

Gaster:"I'll tell him tomorrow. He already had enough for one day considering his, Back-bone." He said with a pun.

And it was all for one day. Sans and Gaster start to used to their new life as th-

Sakuya:"I beg your pardon Mister Gaster, but i have a question as well." she asked.

Gaster:"Sure, go ahead." he said.

Sans:"About Sans...when his soul is about to broken...As you already know, we fight in a danmaku system. Why didn't work with Sans?" she asked.

Gaster was spechless due to Sakuya's question. She was right about the Danmaku system rule, as he learned by Patchouli. He thinked for a moment, until something comes to his mind.

Gaster:"...It is...Possibly he, and also me not bounded by those rules. As i said, we were from a different universe unlike yours. However, before we came here, Sans already has the wound on his chest. It is a possibility, but the first one is a better reason. We are not same as we suppose to in this universe creation, which making it breaking some of it's laws." he explained.

Sakuya:"I understand. Thanks, Mister Gaster." she said as bowed to him.

As the question that, how Sans is still able to killable even in a danmaku fight explained, the party going normal. After a few hours, Scarlet Devil Mansion cast, goes back to Mansion with sleeping Sans, who got drunked by sake, due to Marisa forcing him to drink. That day is ended for them, but there's a next day, where the new possible things can happen...

*End of Chapter 5.5*

Author's Note:When you read the title of Chapter 5.5, these types of chapters will not be very long, or sometimes they will be written in a way that will take a really long time to read. Of course, even if I won't be able to spare much time for long-term reading, I will still write such intermediate chapters. By the way, when i finish this book, i might rewrite the whole story or make a new remastered.

Touhou Project belongs to ZUN

Undertale belongs to Toby Fox

Last Breath Sans belongs to ZerJox and Team Imagination

This version of LB Sans belongs to FantasyVision

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