A Family Roadtrip...With Marlon driving

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We go outside to the Winter's Car and Marlon's parents were signaling Marlon to go in, but it was the driver's seat instead of the passenger's seat! "Climb in son!" His father said "Uh that's the driver's seat!" Marlon said. "Exactly young man! It's time to grow up by operating a motor vehicle run on fossil fuels!" His father said. "Awesome yo!" Marlon said and me and him got in the car. He got in the driver's seat and I got in the seat right next to him. We noticed Luis was sitting in the backseat. Marlon seemed in pleased when he spotted Luis. "Hi" Luis nervously waved to me and Marlon as we spotted him. "What's he doin' here?" Marlon questioned. "Luis? He's our friend! We should include him in more things, don't you think?" His mother said as she got in the car. "I guess, where are we going?" Marlon said as he put his seat belt on. "Well, we're taking a nice little drive to Dragon's Peak!" His mother said. "Oh, that's boring. There's nothing to do there dawgs." Marlon said looking back at his parents, the dog, & Luis. "That sounds perfect." His dad said trying to get him enthusiastic about this "family trip." "I suppose this would be quite nice. It is really peaceful up there, and we'll get a great view of the stars at night!" I said trying to cheer Marlon up. "That's the spirit y/n!" Marlon's father told me. "C'mon! Put the petal to the metal!" I head a voice say. Me and Marlon both turned to see who had said that. It couldn't have been the dog, was it? Marlon then started the car and we took off. He was honestly a pretty good driver for a 14 year old who hasn't gotten his liscense yet. Though I did hear him say to a friend taht he and him could "cruise in his old lady's car AGAIN" which implied he's done this before. Great. I have a crush on a rebel. We were nearly there. He was on the wrong side of the road at one point but I corrected him, it didn't really matter since there was nobody on the road at this time of day anyway. After what felt like hours of driving, his father put on the radio to a weird song that his parents and the dog, surprisingly, started dancing to. Just then Marlon pulled on the breaks, I would've went flying forward into the dash board if I didn't have my seat belt on. There were three elderly hitch hikers on the road staring at us blankly. Marlon giggled nervously as he drove away slowly. I made sure to stay glued to my seat so they wouldn't see me. We started to approach a large, steep, spiral hill that went all the way to the top. Which is why it's called Dragon's Peak. I heard the screeching sound of an out-of-control vehicle just behind us. That was weird. There weren't any other cars on the road besides us the last time I checked. I looked at the fair view mirror only to see a giant mail truck driving recklessly by an old, creepy, slender woman. I notified Marlon about this and he seemed clueless to the fact that we were being chased until I told him and he saw it himself. "Marlon! There's a mail truck chasing us!" I said. "I see it too! We're being followed by a humanoid carrier vehicle!" Said his father. "And it's being driven by Diekendaker!" I heard Luis say from behind me. I had no idea what or who he was talking about but I knew it was anything good. "Come on, Marlon, engage warp speed!" Said his dad. I looked over to Marlon as he glanced at me with worry in his eyes. I gave him a nod, signaling him to go faster as I held on the the handle on the roof of the car, preparing that we were most likely gonna get rammed by this truck. I heard the velocity of the engine speed up and Marlon drove faster up the steep, spiral hill. "Oh!" I heard everyone say in the back, reacting to this sudden change of speed. Right then, the mail truck rammed into the back of the SUV! I looked back to make sure everyone was alright. "You guys ok?" I asked, they all nodded in shock. "Why is a mail truck ramming us?" Marlon said. "Oh, probably just jealous we're taking such a lovely family trip." His father said. How could he possibly be this calm in a time like this? Something still isn't right.
The mail truck then rammed us by the left side, almost knocking the car into the grass and off the side of the road. I looked over to Marlon and all I could see was fear on his face. We barley got back onto the road, still nearing the edge of the road. As a large truck headed that was in front of us but thankfully in the other lane, almost drove into the truck that was chasing us. I looked over and saw that we were no longer being chased. The truck that was chasing us had went off the road, down the hill, to where the cows were! We had lost them! "Yea!! We lost them!" I said celebrating a bit. Marlon seemed to be relieved knowing that whole chase scene was done. For now at least. I could feel him smiling at me while watching me celebrate. I glanced over to him and he smiled even bigger, I returned the smile and then faced ahead again. Trying my best to not make it awkward between us. "Good driving son! I'm proud of you, boy of mine." His father said. "Yo, is somebody gonna finally tell me what the heck is going on here? Why was that mail truck chasing us? And what kind of family trip is this?" Marlon questioned, he sounded pretty pissed. "Well, at least he didn't crash. We have to give him that." The father stated. I giggled a bit at his remark. Making sure not to let Marlon notice since I notice he was pissed. "Okay, Marlon, your parents, they well, they're not exactly your parents. They're aliens." Luis said to Marlon. "They must be if they wanna hang out with a freak like you!" Marlon told Luis. I gave him a light knuckle smack on the shoulder for that one. I could tell he was embarrased. "Luis isn't a freak!" We heard a voice say, we all turned back only to see a girl's head sticking out of the trunk..it was Jennifer! The same girl from the bus who returned Luis's shoe for him! "Jennifer?" We all coincidentally said at once. "You just don't get it Marlon. Isn't that right, Patty?" Jennifer said as another girl popped her head up from out of the trunk. It was Patty, Jennifer's camera girl. "Hm-mm" Patty mumbled. "Dang, Girls. How did you survive the ramming?" I asked, surprised on how they were completely un-harmed from all the ramming and chaos that just occurred during the chase scene. Jennifer and Patty both looked at eachother blankly. "Oh, we have our ways." Jennifer said. "Ok then" I said. "What?" Marlon said, still mad that he wasn't getting any answers he needed and was still confused. Honestly, I was just as confused as him. "Don't you understand? Luis is the first person on Earth to be in contact with extra-terrestrials! He's a trailblazer!" Jennifer said while Patty nodded in agreement. "Wait, you know?" Said the boy. "Of course I know! I'm a journalist." Jennifer said. "Okay fine, my parents are weirdos for sure, but there's no such thing as aliens!" Marlon said to Luis. "Show them guys." Luis said. Marlon's mother then poked her stomach and turned into this weird, glob-like aquamarine-colored thing with splotches of purple on it. Then Marlon's father poked his stomach and turned into a turquoise blob-like creature with lighter purple splotches, and the dog poked its stomach as it turned into a green blob with lighter green splotches, as it blew confetti from its tube-like thingys. No, is this a prank? This can't be..are these aliens? They seemed to be friendly though, I wasn't quite alarmed. But Marlon however, freaked out and screamed. He jumped over to me and hugged me like his life depended on it, making it like if he held on to me he would be safe from these aliens. "AHHHHH!" Marlon screamed. "Cool it! They won't hurt you!" Luis said as he tried to get Marlon off of me and focus on driving as the car nearly went sliding off there edge of the cliff and broke the boards guarding the entrance. "Marlon chill out, dude. They look friendly. Just keep driving." I said as I managed to calm him down and pull him off of me.

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