12 - Mahrajan

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The port of Imuchakk stood before Sinbad and Reana, much smaller in scale compared to the bustling harbor of Contastia they had left behind. Two giant tusks towered over the modest wooden platforms that comprised the port, while the rest of the shore was enclosed by palisades constructed from smaller tusks and planks. As the duo disembarked from their vessel, a small crowd had already gathered, their excited chatter filling the air.

Sinbad and Reana were taken aback by the sight that unfolded before them. Their mouths fell open as they beheld the snowy land, the towering figures of the Imuchakk people, and the enigmatic shapes of their houses. Sinbad's eyes sparkled with fascination as he muttered, almost to himself, "A pure white land... People of giant build... Houses of mysterious shapes..."

Suddenly, Reana sneezed, her body shivering involuntarily in response to the frigid climate. Sinbad, too, succumbed to the cold and sneezed, causing them to inch closer to each other in an attempt to share warmth. Realizing their clothing was ill-suited for the frigid climate, Reana conjured a small flame to provide some respite from the cold. "It's so cold!" Sinbad exclaimed through chattering teeth.

Pipirika burst into laughter, thoroughly amused by their predicament. "Haha! I forgot to tell you," she said, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Imuchakk is a country of ice and snow, also known as the unexplored region of the extreme north. You'll freeze without proper protection against the cold."

As if on cue, women from the village approached, offering large pelts to Sinbad and Reana. Gratefully accepting the pelts, they wrapped themselves tightly, feeling immediate relief from the biting cold. With their gratitude expressed, the duo found themselves enveloped in the warmth and generosity of the Imuchakk people.

Just then, a booming voice cut through the air, causing everyone to turn their attention to its source. "Ah! You're finally back. My sweet children." A massive man, even larger than the other Imuchakk people, emerged from the crowd.

"Father!" Pipirika beamed, throwing herself onto him and giving him a tiny hug.

The man's pride and joy shone through his eyes as he looked down at his nameless son, who seemed slightly intimidated by his father's imposing presence. "I'm delighted as the patriarch and as a father, my son," he declared. "Now, you have attained manhood. As a member of the patriarch's family, we would usually take our time in preparing your reward. But since everyone is too anxious to wait any longer..." He paused, clearing his throat before continuing. "Come! Prepare the feast! The Mahrajan begins!" he bellowed.

The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, thrilled at the prospect of the forthcoming festivities. Sinbad and Reana turned their heads, bewildered by the sudden surge of excitement in the atmosphere. Their gazes landed on a man who started beating a drum, its resounding sound echoing through the cold island. The people began moving towards a large gathering area, centered around a giant brazier that had already been lit. Some individuals poured a liquid, presumably oil, into the brazier, intensifying the flames.

Pipirika led the two outsiders to sit at the same table as the chief, granting them a prime view of the unfolding celebration. From this vantage point, they observed everyone reveling in the festivities—drinking from hollowed horns, indulging in mouthwatering food, playing music, and dancing to their heart's content.

"Cheers to the birth of a new warrior and the blessing of the sea!" the crowd cheered in unison, raising their horns and joining in a joyous toast.

"Awesome!" Sinbad exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with delight as he and Reana watched the spectacle unfold.

Pipirika, always eager to share her knowledge, supplied them with information about the event. "This is Imuchakk's traditional festival, the Mahrajan," she explained. "Originally, it was a naming ceremony for a warrior who had passed the coming-of-age ritual and to show gratitude for the bounties they had returned with. But now, it's become a reason for everyone to eat, drink, and have fun." She chuckled. "Ah, Father, this is Sinbad and Reana. They're strong!" she added, introducing them to the chief seated at her right.

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