20 - Last night in Imuchakk

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Emerging triumphant from the dungeon with the power of Valefor now at his disposal, Sinbad and his companions were rewarded with the long-awaited treasures contained within. Their exit marked the end of the dungeon's existence, as it did for the first dungeon.

However, their moment of celebration was short-lived, for they soon found themselves facing a menacing group from a mysterious organization. Sinbad, now wielding the formidable power of Valefor, demonstrated his newfound might.

With the support of the Imuchakk people, led by Hinahoho's father, they successfully repelled the attackers, safeguarding their hard-earned gains and ensuring their continued journey.

As the Imuchakk began the task of hauling the hard-earned treasures out of the hole replacing the dungeon, Sinbad took the opportunity to approach the patriarch, grateful for their timely arrival.

"Hinahoho's father, you saved us! How did you get here?" Sinbad inquired, curiosity lacing his words.

"Pipirika requested our aid. A group of determined young people gathered, and we journeyed here overnight," the patriarch explained.

"Overnight?" Reana chimed in.

Sinbad's attention shifted as Reana approached the conversation. Her tone seemed slightly off, and her relief upon learning only one night had passed since they entered the dungeon did not escape him. He noticed the mix of emotions playing across her face. Her gaze had shifted downward, and he could see the shadow of apprehension in her eyes. He understood the depths of her feelings and the haunting memories that had resurfaced. It reminded her of a painful memory—his two-month absence when he ventured into Baal's dungeon, which culminated in the tragic loss of his mother. He couldn't deny that he had harbored a similar apprehension after this dungeon ordeal, but seeing Reana so profoundly affected tugged at his heartstrings. Without words, he reached out and gently took her hand in his, offering silent support. As she sensed him softly squeezing her hand, Reana responded with a subtle straightening of her posture and a subtle, melancholic smile, her fingers curling around his hand as if seeking strength. She felt truly grateful for his support, knowing that he undoubtedly felt just as bad as she did.

The patriarch's voice drew their attention back to the matter at hand. "That said..." he started, glancing toward his son before pausing. "No, our priority right now is to leave. Everyone, let's split up the load and carry it."

Amidst this exchange, Dragul decided to part ways with their group, announcing his departure. The team regrouped and made their way back to the village, their burdens now lightened by the Imuchakk's help.


That night, the village erupted into a festive celebration to mark their safe return. Ja'far was gently tended to and soon fell into a deep slumber on a comfortable couch. Reana and Pipirika, their exhaustion finally catching up with them, kept watch over him but soon dozed off as well. Vittel and Mahad, having earned a well-deserved respite, remained at Ja'far's side, sharing a few drinks and quiet camaraderie. Hinahoho, however, had excused himself a short while ago.

Sinbad, seizing the opportunity for some brief respite from Reana's watchful gaze, indulged in a bit more alcohol than usual. He wore a silly, inebriated grin as he staggered around. The party was almost over, most of the villagers were starting to head back home for the night.

As he meandered through the village, he suddenly caught snippets of a conversation, voices low but somehow distinct amid the slowly faiding revelry. Intrigued, Sinbad, his drunken stupor momentarily forgotten, turned towards the source of the conversation.

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