16 - Sham Lash

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Hinahoho couldn't help but exclaim, his voice tinged with shock, "T-that's... the assassin who attacked you before, Sinbad!"

Sinbad's expression darkened as he looked upon the bandaged figure, the memories of their previous encounter resurfacing with vivid clarity. He turned his gaze to the rest of the group, his eyes narrowing in a mixture of recognition and suspicion. "Is that soldier someone you know?" Hinahoho questioned, gesturing between the green-haired man and Sinbad.

Sinbad's lips curved into a wry smile. "Um... I would never forget a lady's face, but for a man I can..." he waved his hand dismissively, attempting to lighten the tension with a touch of humor.

The commander, Dragul, snarled at Sinbad's nonchalant demeanor, a mixture of frustration and anger etching his features. "You bastard!" he cursed, his patience clearly tested by Sinbad's antics.

"Like always, you can't take a joke!" Sinbad laughed, but his eyes remained fixed on the figures before them. "I knew we'd meet again, Drakon," he addressed Dragul with a mixture of familiarity and wariness.

Dragul's eyes blazed with intensity, his posture turning more aggressive as he drew his sword, the metal gleaming in the dim light. "Your banter can only get you so far," he retorted, his voice laced with underlying tension. "Sinbad, you won't get your way this time!"

Sinbad's jovial expression shifted, replaced by one of resolve. He and Hinahoho instinctively positioned themselves in front of Reana, a united front ready to defend against whatever threat came their way. Outnumbered, they knew the odds were not in their favor.

Sinbad's mind worked furiously, a plan forming as his eyes darted around, seeking an escape route. "Let's run!" he exclaimed suddenly. He then leaped off the cliff, dragging his companions with him.

The trio crashed into the water below. They clung to each other in the water, their bodies suspended in the unknown depths as they sought safety from their assailants above.

Hinahoho's powerful strokes propelled them further away from the cliffside, his determination evident in every movement. But as they put distance between themselves and their pursuers, a chilling realization settled in. The water around them grew colder, an icy grip closing around them as if the very environment had turned against them.

Sinbad's teeth clenched, his arms tensing as the cold seeped into his limbs. Beside him, Reana's face contorted as she tried to withstand the sudden drop in temperature. Hinahoho's strokes became more frantic, his movements fueled by a desperate need to escape the encroaching threat.

And then, the water around them started to freeze, a crystalline cage closing in with an alarming speed. Hinahoho's eyes widened, and without hesitation, he increased his efforts, his determination unwavering as he swam with all his might.

Finally, their heads broke the surface of the water, and Hinahoho hauled them onto a rocky outcrop. Their breaths came in ragged gasps as they tried to regain their bearings, their bodies shivering from both the cold and the adrenaline coursing through their veins.

As the ice steadily encased the water they had just escaped, a voice cut through the air. "Too bad," it taunted from above, and the trio looked up to find the veiled woman standing at the edge of the cliff. "I thought I would make popsicles out of you."

Reana's instincts hummed with recognition. Another magician, like her, though one who wielded a different aspect of elemental power.

Sinbad's jaw clenched as he regarded her with a mix of caution and frustration. "I am Furlan, magician counselor of the Parthevian Empire," she introduced herself, confirming their suspicions about her abilities. "Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Loved by Fate ? - Adventures of Sinbad [Sinbad x OC]Where stories live. Discover now