Untouchable Ch.8

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Alex and Jason huffed as they briskly walked in the frigid early evening breeze. It had been a week since their first encounter at the Agency, and the boys had endured many more tests. Jason had been upset that Alex revealed their abilities to the doctor, but Alex explained that he wanted to use the doctor and his knowledge to find a way to eliminate the abilities. After seeing the way his mom had looked and him and the hatred in Robert’s eyes, Alex knew he wanted these abilities gone. Jason agreed with him, talking about how his roommates would react and how his abilities almost got him in trouble with a girl he liked. The two agreed they would sit through the Doctor’s tests and learn to control their abilities, until the day they would be gone.

The boys walked in silence until they reached the front porch of the address the Doctor gave them. It was an older-looking, brick duplex that looked like it might fall apart any minute.

Jason looked nervously at the building and then at Alex. He smiled weakly as he held up the brown envelope. “This goes to Brian, right?” Alex firmly nodded in agreement. He was about to knock when a distinctly feminine voice called out excitedly to Jason.

“Hey!” She shouted. Alex turned around and spotted a petite Filipino girl rushing across the street, coming towards them.

“Do you know her?” Alex whispered to Jason.

“Yeah…” He whispered back. His eyes widened and he began to panic. “Crap, I can’t let her see me here! She doesn’t know about what I can do… she’s Angelica, the girl I-uh-like.”

Angelica finally reached Jason and hugged him tightly. She saw Alex standing and gave him a friendly handshake. Jason muttered introductions and immediately tried to get Angelica to leave.

“Hey, Angie, My friend Alex and I were just dropping off something for someone…”

Angelica interrupted Jason. “Well, I finished my shift at the store, and I saw you guys and thought I might hang out with you!” More hugs for each of the boys followed and before she asked any other questions she knocked on the door.

After a few moments a fat man with thick rimmed glasses answered the door. Jason stuttered as he explained they had been sent to deliver the documents to Brian from the Doctor.

The fat man looked over the boys and Angelica and his eyes lingered on her as he nodded them in. The place was small and cramped, with little lighting or furniture. Alex saw Jason clutch Angelica’s hand as the group was lead into the basement which turned out to be much nicer than the upstairs; it was clean with a computer and tiled floors.

A man sitting at the computer looked up upon the group’s approach.

“I’m Brian,” The man said. You have something for me?”

Jason handed over the envelope and Brian opened and flipped through the contents. Along with a detailed looking note from the doctor, there was a thick set of sheets filled with diagrams and text. As he flipped, Brian’s gaze turned from neutral and slightly bored to incredulous.

He stared at Alex and Jason and muttered, “Are you sure this is correct information from Carlson?”

Alex gulped and answered him. “Yes?”

Brian reached into his desk drawer, pulled out a small handgun and cocked it. “Well, in that case I’m going to have to kill you two.”

The three friends tried to bolt away immediately, but the fat man blocked their exit. Alex assumed Jason was as reluctant to use his abilities as he was, so they were trapped for now.

Angelica stepped in front of the boys and whispered harsly to them: “What kind of friends do you have who want to kill you?” Tears began streaming down her face as she spoke to Brian. “Why are you trying to hurt my friends?”

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