Untouchable Ch 10

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“How could this happen!” The Doctor frantically grabbed Rachel and brought her inside the Agency building. “Thank God this place used to be a real hospital. I thought you two were supposed to arrive together!”

Alex shook his head as he relived the short description of the recent events with Lyle told by an injured and weak Rachel; he felt like crying as he muttered, “We thought it would have been safer to get here separately.”

The Doctor shot Alex an extremely dirty look from across the medical table as he dressed Rachel’s wounds. The Doctor spoke, mostly to himself, “They read my notes, that’s how they knew how to numb his ability. Zander got tired of waiting on me and now must have a top team of scientists working for him.” He glared at Alex. “Your friend is in danger- when those scientists are done with him, he will wish he were dead.”

A long painful quiet followed, filled only with the sound of Rachel’s shallow breathing. After a few moments, the breathing stopped and Carlson was sent into a panic, checking vitals and trying to pump her heart back to life.

 A minute or so later Carlson put his head in his hands. “I’ve done all I can do. After 10 years of working together, my most faithful companion is gone. Do you trust me now Alex?” The Doctor spat, “Or do you honestly think I’m cruel enough to kill one so close to me?” The contempt for Alex that was in Carlson’s eyes vanished and was replaced by an immense grief.

Alex held his head down and muttered a prayer in Spanish for Rachel and left the Doctor to grieve. He stood outside in the hallway and thought about Jason. As his best and only true friend, Jason was smart and funny and friendly, basically the physical embodiment of what Alex strived to be. And the abilities they shared, although they had and still did get the boys in trouble, made them different and unique, making their bond of friendship even closer. Out in the hall, Alex made a plan to get Jason back. He needed help and he had an idea of who to ask.

Alex walked purposefully out of the Agency building towards his destination. The vow of secrecy the boys had about their Seattle trip had dissolved, it was gone, like the life of the beautiful red head.

After a while, Alex arrived and went up to the door to knock. When he did, he kind of hoped the door wouldn’t open and luckily, it didn’t, but as he turned around to leave, he spotted his subject returning from a morning jog.

She took out her Walkman headphones and frowned. “Alex, what’s wrong? You look like you’ve been trampled or something.” A slightly musical laugh followed and Alex committed it to memory as he was sure he would not hear it again for some time.

He grabbed her hands and spoke. “Angelica, I need you to go inside and sit down. I have something to tell you.”

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