Untouchable Chapter 16

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1. This chapter happens immediately after Ch. 14- when Alex and Angie first meet Liam? It's a bit of a flashback.

2. Crazy long update between chapters. Tip: never try to update Wattpad via mobile. Je suis desole (sorry)

Jason sat in his bed, deep in concentration. Things were going to get wild at Zander's Agency in a few days, and he wanted to be prepared. He sighed as he broke his concentration for a few moments as he relayed the previous day's events in his head... 

“I want to go home!” Jason screamed as he banged on the door of his room. A few days ago, he had healed up enough and was no longer bed-ridden, although his cuffs remained, preventing him from flashing. He’d spent most of today, as well as the past few days, undergoing various tests and screenings performed by different doctors and scientists. They’d figured out how Jason had healed so quickly earlier; his immune system, metabolism and senses were heightened and much better than they should have been for a normal person –someone without his abilities. On a better day, Jason would have been kind of flattered-the doctors had used the words “unbelievable” and “amazing” often- but in reality, Jason was pretty tired. And sore. And he was worried about his friends. He missed Angie so much… Oh. He missed Alex too, of course. Man did, Jason ever need to sleep.  

Jason was about to take a break (after all, he’d been alone in his room for several hours, all of which he’d spent yelling and banging around the room) until the door suddenly burst open in his face, smothering him against the wall.  

“Man, why do these doors open in, anyway? Oww…” Jason rubbed his forehead. 

“Oh, no! Sorry Jason!” Annie adjusted her glasses as she helped Jason up. “I just came in to say hi, sorry for the door in your face, there.”  

She shut the door behind her and the two made their way over to Jason’s bed to sit. Annie had really grown on Jason. She was sweet and seemed like a really nice person. Annie reminded him a lot of her father, Dr. Carlson. The Doctor never really said much about Annie, and Annie had never really talked about her father. Although Jason was pretty bored, he was also pretty curious, and he wanted to ask Annie what was going on.  

“I really don’t know all that much about you,” Jason said thoughtfully. “How’s your dad doing?” Jason inclined his head towards Annie and gave a faint smile. 

Annie frowned and turned her head away.  

“Oh, uh, sorry. That was not very tactful of me. I’m sorry. We don’t have to talk about it-“ 

 “No. It’s fine.” Annie turned back to face Jason. “My dad and I... we never really got along. Alright, we used to, but my mom died when I was ten and we kind of drifted after that. We hardly ever saw each other, he was so immersed in his research. Then I turned 18 and was about to leave for college before I ended up here. After a couple weeks... he just stopped talking to me. I really haven’t seen him since I left.” Annie’s eyes shone with unshed tears as she told her story, and Jason once again regretted bringing up the subject. He pulled an arm over her and pulled Annie into a lean beside him.  

“I knew your dad for only a couple weeks, and he seemed like a good guy. He was smart and really nice. He made Alex and I feel special and helped us, a lot.  I'm sorry" Jason smiled genuinely at Annie. Although he felt bad for Angie, he felt a slight nagging in the back of his head. Dr. Carlson had spoken of his daughter so fondly, and he couldn’t imagine him ignoring her the way Annie said he had. Annie's solemn look however, convinced him that despite his reservations, she must be right about how her father treated her.  

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