Chapter Four: The Punishment

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(Side note: If you have already read the first chapter, I have changed Aurora from being the younger twin to the older. This made more sense for personality choices further down the line. No need to reread the chapter since it was just a change of word, but just a heads up if you are confused about it for this chapter and later.)

Chapter Four: The Punishment

The days following Amarantha's shift in attention, as well as frustration at Tamlin's continued resistance, led to many small court sessions. The two sheltered Dawn heirs were no longer under the subtle protection of the High Lords and found themselves subjected to more torment than ever before. From knives, to whips, to black talons scaping against their minds, the torture was both physical and mental. However, the increased attention from the witch did not end when the High Lords and their families returned to their chambers. Instead, Amarantha managed to continue their torment by making 'modifications' to their living arrangements.

The Dawn court twins went from having as much freedom as one can in the darkness of the mountain, to being stripped of even the smallest freedoms. Once locked in a room full of books, art, and subdued happiness, now locked in a room entirely bare except for the thin sheet and two pillows left on their shared bed.

It was on this bed that Aurora now lay, eyes blankly staring up at the ceiling as she released a sigh. Turning over to look at her twin, who lay in a similar position, a frown marred the female's face.

"Do you think we will ever see the sky?"

Aurora's voice was but a whisper as her eyes returned to the gray stone ceiling. It was impossible to tell the ceiling from the walls or the floor in their home. All of the gray stones seemingly the same, and endless. Sometimes the only way that Aurora was convinced that the sun even existed was in the flames of the torches that lined their tomb. If a light that bright and warm existed in the all-encompassing darkness, then it must be quite large to keep the entire world in light above the mountain. The sun in the Dawn court, a bright and warm red as it loomed just over the horizon. The days long and full of a comfortable peace that the ever-present light brought... Or at least that was what her father had told them.

Staring at the small torch that rested near the door, it was hard to imagine such a thing could bring comfort. The flickering of the little light that they were allowed seemed to accentuate the shadows. The darkness, seeping out of the gray walls and attempting to consume them at all times. It was a gentle dance, the fear of the dark ebbing and flowing with the flames.

Aurora looked at her twin as the silence stretched on, with no answer to her question. Mira continued to stare at the ceiling, her once bored expression now full of irritation. As the silence continued, Aurora became certain that her twin's mind was else-where. Perhaps thinking about the same golden light that she was.

"I don't even think we will see another text, let alone the sky... unless we escape this wretched place."

"We know nothing else," Aurora stated solemnly. "How would we even escape, to a land we don't know?"

Mira scoffed as she abruptly sat up, turning to face her sister.

"We will die down here, dumb, and knowing nothing about our birthright." Mira threw the thin sheet off of her body and began pacing before the bed.

Aurora watched, her face that was normally a calm mask of indifference, showing her worry. Aurora glanced at the heavy wooden door that concealed them from those in the hall, wondering if any creatures lingered on the other side waiting to report to their queen.

"Settle,sister," Aurora whispered as she leaned across the small space to grab Mira's wrist. Her twin refused to be consoled, and yanked her arm away. With a piercing glare, Mira's anger was now directed to her sister.

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