Chapter 14: The Aftermath

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Chapter 14: The Aftermath

The days that followed were tense. The atmosphere beneath the mountain grew even more oppressive as Amarantha's paranoia and cruelty seemed to escalate. Aurora and Mira did their best to stay out of sight, moving through the shadows and avoiding drawing attention to themselves. Their father's words echoed in their minds, a constant reminder of the danger they were in and the need to be cautious.

The sisters had fallen into some semblance of a dysfunctional routine. Attend small council at two, Mira and Aurora sneak off to their companions' chambers until evening supper, dine and watch as Amarantha entertains herself from her false throne, keep their heads down, dismiss from supper to either their own chambers or away to another's. Though Aurora never confronted Mira about it, her trips were increasing in both frequency and duration.

It seemed that this night was no different from their new schedule, as Mira cast a quick glance towards the Autumn table as they walked out the door. Aurora watched the fire haired lord's gaze break away from whatever conversation he had been enduring, spotting Mira's indifferent gaze, as he raised his wine glass to hips lips and turned away. It was a peculiar thing, as no words were uttered, nor did either's face give any indication of acknowledgment away. Even so, Mira began to veer the opposite direction from their chamber.

With s brief smile, Aurora watched her wander off before changing her own direction. Padding quietly down the halls, Aurora tried to keep to the shadows as she continued further and further into Amarantha's domain. While not unfamiliar with the path, Aurora still became uneasy as she crept past the beast and creatures that liked to linger near their master's chambers.

The Red Witch had been absent from the evening's festivities. Unusual, with her rising unease, which Auora knew could only mean one thing.

Aurora slipped quietly into Rhysand's dimly lit room, her hear heavy in confirmation as she saw the chambers void of his presence. With a sigh at the knowledge of what was occurring only a few doors away, Aurora made her way over to the hearth to light the fire. She was unsure how long his torture had been going on, but knew that having to return to a dark and cold room was sure to make the malicious thoughts linger. After lighting the fire, Aurora made her way to the leather armchair that rested nearby, and grabbed one of the few books off of his side table.

It was not long before Aurora heard the quiet click of the door opening, followed by a brief pause, before the door shut again. Auora looked up, watching as Rhysand immediately cross the room to drop into the chair across from her.

His posture was tense, his usual mask of nonchalance replaced by a raw, unguarded expression of discomfort. Aurora sighed as she caught the overpowering scent of blood and death clinging to his skin. The scent had the slightest undertone of his unique citrus smell combined with something that she could not place. It was always hardest on the days when she could scent both on him. A different kind of torture, one that she could not imagine having to endure.

"Rhysand," she called softly, rising from her chair to approach him. He didn't acknowledge her, but she saw his shoulders relax slightly at the sound of her voice. "Do you want to talk about it?"

He let out a slow breath, his gaze finally meeting hers. "I am fine, golden one. Just... needed a moment."

Aurora cautiously placed a hand on his shoulder, looking down at the male that had endured too much. "I know what you had to do tonight. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

Rhysand looked at her, violet eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and weariness. "It's part of the game, isn't it? We all have our roles to play."

Aurora moved from her light touch to a gentle embrace. "That doesn't make it any easier."

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