1. Dragonstone

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( 2463 words)

Loteyia Baratheon was a true miracle, given to her parents after they had to endure the heartbreak of still-born sons. Despite not being a strong son who could inherit the Iron Throne, or a mighty stag who could avenge his losses, She was a shy, kind-hearted human being, with no wire in her brain to be mean.

A princess of Dragonstone. Some considered her parents lucky to have been blessed with such a beauty.


The imitate sounds of tapping grow louder with every tune coming from a young ladies lips. She stood on a stone bridge, admiring the images proposed by the clouds filling the morning sky. Her dark hair swayed in the wind as someone approached her.

She turned around, and her soft humming and tapping stopped abruptly.
"Shireen," the young woman sighed as she recognized her beloved sister. Her voice was sweet and soft-expressed, it held comfort through any lies if they were to be spoken.

"I was looking for you," Shireen said, holding a wooden stag gifted to her by Ser Davos.
"You found me," the young lady replied with a kind smile.

"Father was... asking for you," Shireen said, fidgeting with her toy and looking down.
Her sister chuckled and walked away playfully. "Was he? If you want to borrow one of my books, just say that." She looked back and saw Shireen catching up with her, the smile still on her face.

"Shireen, tell Loteyia to come visit me. I need to discuss...complications with her," Shireen said in a stern, deep voice, impersonating their father. Loteyia looked knowingly at her sister as they walked closer to the castle.

"Since when does father talk to us, especially about...complications?" Loteyia chuckled as they arrived and entered through the two wooden doors. The doors creaked loudly, having rotted from the ages.

After Robert overthrew the Targaryens in Robert's Rebellion, he gave the castle to his brother Stannis, their father, creating House Baratheon of Dragonstone.


"Two hundred years before the doom, Valyrians settled on the Dragonstone island. They raised a castle for themselves, used sorcery and magic to shape it like dragons on purpose, so that it instilled fear into those who saw it and installed thousands of gargoyles on the walls." Shireen read slowly, confused by the facts.

"Hm, maybe father changed it up. Maybe dragons weren't his thing," Loteyia said, chuckling at her own statement as she laid on her back, reading a book of her own that was raised into the air in front of her. Shireen closed the thick book harshly, causing particles of dust to fly around.

She got up slowly and placed the book back into the wooden bookcase in the corner of Loteyia's room. She traced her fingers over all the book spines, deciding which book to read next.

"I think it's just a myth," Loteyia continued. "Maybe Targaryens wrote that book. Took advantage and made themselves sound legendary when really they are just like everyone els-" Shireen turned her head to look at her sister.

"Targaryens were legendary! Aegon conquered the Seven Kingdoms with the largest thing to ever roam the world- a dragon!"
"Yeah, yeah," Loteyia replied, placing the book down by her side to look at her younger sister across the room. "I've read all the histories. The Targaryens are gone... maybe they weren't that legendary." A knock echoed through the bedroom.

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