3. Alliance

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( 3229 words)

Loteyia sits on the steps of the Castle Black's courtyard. Her chin is buried in her left hand while the other holds a book, but she's not really reading it. Instead, her eyes are fixed on Jon Snow, who is training with the other Night's Watch recruits in the yard below.

She watches him intently, her cheeks flushing slightly as he swings his sword with effortless grace. Despite the noise and activity around her, she seems lost in thought, completely absorbed in her own little world.

Her hair falls in loose waves around her face, and she tucks a strand behind her ear absentmindedly. She bites her lip, as if lost in deep thought, and her eyes follow Jon's every move.

The sound of clashing swords filled the air as Jon trained in the yard with a little boy named Olly.

Jon's sword was at Olly's neck, as he muttered, 'Get your shield up.'
"It's too heavy." Olly responded in defeat.

"If it wasn't heavy, it wouldn't stop a sword. Now get it up."
Jon replied. He walked closer to Olly, who backed away, his sword remaining in the same place.

As Jon trained Olly, his eyes were fixed on Olly's every move. With lightning-fast strikes, Jon moved so quickly that it was nearly impossible to see. He expertly pushed Olly to the ground with his forearm, leaving the young lad in awe of Jon's skills.

Loteyia's eyes widened in surprise, but her expression quickly changed to admiration. She lowered her book down slightly to get a better view. She was taken aback by his skills but also found it impressive.

Jon held out his hand to the boy, Olly hesitated for a moment before finally grabbing hold of it.
"Come." Jon said, pulling Olly to his feet. "Try it again." A determined look in his eyes as he said, 'Drive at me.' He then placed his right hand on side of Olly's head," Keep your shield up." He Instructed. "Or I'll ring your head like a bell."

The man smiled as he rattled up Ollys hair.
As he took a step back, his eyes quickly flicked towards the steps where Loteyia once sat, a look of confusion crossed his face as he looked around the courtyard. Little did she know, Jon had been observing her every move, paying close attention to her ever since she sat on the steps.

Loteyia spied Lysa knocking on her door and entering her chambers. She swiftly rose from the steps and hurried up the staircase, stealing one last glance at Jon before vanishing from sight. As Lysa entered the bedchamber, she called out Loteyia's name.

Loteyia answered in a soft voice from behind Lysa, causing her to whirl around in surprise. Lysa let out a small gasp, taken aback by Loteyia's sudden appearance. After regaining her composure, Lysa said, "I have much to tell you." A sly grin slowly spread across Lysa's face, and Loteyia's eyes began to sparkle with expectation. "What is it?" she exclaimed, already sensing what Lysa was about to reveal.

Loteyia followed Lysa into her chambers, and they settled onto the bed. Loteyia gazed into Lysa's eyes with an expectant expression, waiting for her to share her news. "It's a man named Edd," Lysa spoke with a shy smile, her gaze falling to the ground. Loteyia's eyes widened with surprise. "Edd?" she asked, incredulously.

Lysa nodded, her cheeks flushing with color. "We kissed." she confessed, her heart racing with excitement. Loteyia let out a chuckle and a smile. "The gods be good, we've been here for four days." She joked, behind a smile.


Down in the castle's courtyard, Jon Snow remained training Olly while other recruits looked on. "Good, Good." he said calmly. "Pivot, pivot, don't forget the pivot." Olly let out a groan as Jon continued to strike him until he stopped swinging and stared past Jon's shoulder. Jon noticed and slowly turned around, his hand instinctively grasping the hilt of Longclaw.

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