Chapter 1 - Dark Days..

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On a dark rainy stormy day. Makayla stared out the window. She usually likes watching rain and thunder day. She thinks the rain is relaxing to watch. She wanted to go outside really bad but since Taylor didn't want to get her mask wet she just kept saying no when Makayla kept asking. Makayla thought she could go outside by herself but she can't, you'll never know if zombies would come. That's what Anya told her. Makayla sighed and she closed her shades. She walked out the dorm.

"Taylor?" She asked.

Taylor replied, "What?" Taylor replied with a annoyed voice, she was on her tv watching some stuff. You know.. Makayla sighed, "Forget it, never mind.."

Makayla looked outside, she saw Anya and Camelia running.

Makayla smiled and she started laughing. She dashed out of her room and she walked towards the door where they were going through.

"Hello!" Makayla said out of nowhere.

Anya slipped as she saw Makayla Infront of her, so did Camelia she slipped as well.. They were startled..

"Makayla!" Whispered Anya and Camelia loudly.

"Why the hell you guys are whispering-

Anya quickly put her hands on Makayla's mouth, to make her avoid from talking like she stupid or something.

"Anya.. I don't think she knows what's happening.." Whispered Camelia.

Anya sighed and she looked at Camelia, "You think I'm stupid, dumb and a idiot?"

Camelia shook her head slowly. "Sorry..."

"Well... Makayla what's happening is... *gulps* zomboss is coming, except for his zombies....." Anya whispered.

Makayla's eyes widened, she gasped.

"You know what he's going to do?"

They both shook there heads.

"We were just walking outside to meet Camelia's old friend that graduated from this school... and we saw Zomboss walking by. So we just quickly crouched and went sneakily back to here..." Anya explained.

"But... But why you wanted to see her friend?" Asked Makayla.

"Because it's been a long time since we saw him..." Anya replied sadly.

Makayla sighed.. "Makes sense..."

Camelia and Anya smiled.

"Can we stay in your dorm for a bit..." Asked Anya.

"Why...!" Whispered loudly Makayla.

"Because me and Camelia's boyfriends... they... don't want us in there, because we made too much noise..." Anya replied..

Camelia nodded, her face was turning red. Like she was about to cry...

"Fine..." Makayla replied, "Come on..."

Camelia and Anya jumped happily. With sparkles in there eyes, they both stopped jumping and started walking happily by Makayla's side.

"Thanks Makayla..." They both whispered.

Makayla smiled and then said, "No problem..."

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