The Attack

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No one ever thinks it can happen in there time, hell no one thought it would ever happen. But it did, nuclear war, and it all started because of a glitch. The day was June 6th 2015 at around five o'clock in the morning. The scientists at NORAD had a late night they where still at work. They where tired and bored. But they had to stay. They had just installed a brand new computer system to detect enemy nuclear missiles. The scientists had to make sure the operating system was up and running. Not soon after the clock struck five, eight tiny blots appeared on the screen. It seemed to be Russian. Generally in this situation the U.S. would immediately respond with a counter attack. However, this time the conditions where different. The United States initially believed that it was a glitch. It was a glitch but not for the U.S.. The Russians experienced the same problem thirty minutes before. They had seen small blots on there defense system. Those blots seemed to be American. So they launched an all out attack on the United States. The U.S. never launched a missile until the Russian nukes hit the ground. Multiple countries fought in retaliation. England, South Korea, and Japan allied with America, whilst on the opposite end China, North Korea and Iran allied with Russia. It all seemed to happen so fast. One night I was a normal teenager living happily with no care in the world, the next I was searching for supplies in a wasteland. The first three places America was attacked with was Washington D.C., The first bomb wing in North Dakota, and the second bomb wing in Louisiana. With my luck I lived six miles away from Barksdale Air Force base. That was the second bomb wing. My city was nuked, now i'm stuck in a wasteland. I shouldn't be upset though, this all happened a year ago. I am used to survival now. I am also used to being alone my family, they all died from radiation sickness. They never listened to me when I told them to "Get inside" or "Wear this hazmat suit", I miss them..., I wish they where still here. I continued to find new ways of survival. Hunting,trapping etc. I made a promise to myself when my dad died. I told myself, "John, you are a good person do not steal from other people to get supplies", I made that promise because I wasn't going to put people through that kind of pain and torrment. As a hobby I collected survival equipment before the war, so everyday I wear the same thing, a gas mask and a hazmat suit. I always carry my M16 assault rifle. Its funny a year ago I would have been shot for having this, well i'd still be shot now but for different reasons. By this time I had not seen another person for six long months, so one day I was walking along a different path, and off in the distance there was another person ! I had mixed feelings about this, what if they tried to rob me, or worse. Being as stubborn as I am (and cocky). I slowly walked toward the figure. When I was about 50 feet away, I could tell it was a girl. She seemed to be around my age, she was tall and beautiful with long flowing red hair. Her hair was so beautiful it reminded me of a sunset. I made my self known. "H-Hey", I said. She jumped in surprise and turned to me. "Who are you !?", She asked in the voice of an angel. "It's okay, i'm not going to hurt you" I said with my hands up slowly walking forward. I took of my gas mask off, "My name is John, what's your's ?" The girl still looked very frightened, "Becca," She said very quietly. "Well Becca, its nice to meet you" I stuck out my hand for her to shake it, she paused and reluctantly looked at my hand but eventually took it. "Are you staying anywhere safe tonight ?" I asked trying to break the silence. "Safe, what do you mean by safe ?" She said laughing. She seemed to be more comfortable around me. "You don't have to be afraid." I said smiling. "Do you want something to eat ? You look like you haven't eaten in weeks." I asked her. "I am starving !" Becca said. I laughed. "Okay follow me, I've got loads of food back at my place." Becca quickly gathered her things and jogged toward me. I turned and we walked back down the path, there was just silence at first. "Soooo...what's your story ?" Becca asked me. "Well." I said laughing. "My full name is John Brown, I am 17 years old. And I have been on my own for six months." She seemed very surprised by this. "Wow" She mumbled. I acted as if I hadn't heard her. "So what about you ?" I asked. "Well I am kind of the same, my full name is Rebecca Johnson, I am also 17 years old. I lost my parents after the first explosion, they aren't dead, well I don't think they are at least. I haven't seen them in over a year." Said Becca nervously. "You've been on your own this entire time ?!" I said shocked. "No, no of corse not I've been with my friend Trevor sense then." "Oh really what's he like ?" I asked. "He's surprisingly optimistic he actually makes jokes about the whole situation !" Becca said laughing. We had now gone off of the main road and took a right down an off-road trail. About one hundred yards away there was a clearing in the side of the woods lining the road. As we turned down in this clearing, Becca seemed scared. "What's wrong ?" I asked. "I'm worried about Trevor, what if he goes out to look for me and doesn't make it back ?" Becca said."Maybe I should head back ." She said. "How old is he ?" I asked. "18, why ?" "He is an adult I think he will be fine. We will head out tomorrow to get him." "Okay." Becca said reluctantly. We walked up on my shelter, it was now dark. It used to be a families house, it is two stories high and is white. The initial blast wiped out the right wall and every window. But it is in a radiation free area. As we walked in, we walked to the end of the hall. We walked into the kitchen. We said nothing to each other. We just each ate a can of spam. We both walked up the stairs to sleep. She went in a room across from mine. "Goodnight." Becca said smiling. "Goodnight." I said. We shut our doors. I lied down and stared at the ceiling. Knowing that tomorrow would be long and stressful. I stood up to take off my hazmat suit. I sat back down thinking about finding Trevor, a person I have never met. I lied back down and slowly fell asleep.

Author's note:
I will be updating this book soon I hope you enjoyed :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2015 ⏰

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