Tobey: "WOOWEE! what's out first mission?! Beat up monsters?! Robots?! Homeless people?!!!"
Tobey jumps around the training field excitedly, it's time for the students first mission. Upon hearing and seeing Tobeys enthusiasm, BriZ Laughs out loud before explaining what the mission is.
BriZ: "Baaakaaa, were beating up blind children today, Great target practice."
Tobey scoffs upon hearing this, Yeah he'd be down to beat up some blind children but for a mission?, Hell no.
Tobey: "Tch. This is no fun."
In the darkness, A big hairy woman that looks like sasquatch (This is Ally) is watching our main characters.
Ally: "So this is the kid Master wanted me to kill, Tobey right? Yare yare daze, they didn't tell me there was 3 of them. I better get paid Tripple for this."
Ally, the big hairy sasquatch woman, charges at Tobey from behind
Ally: here goes nothing...
BriZ noticed the sasquatch woman and jumps behind Tobey, taking the backshots for him.
BriZ: "Take Mitzu and get outta here Tobey... This guy's way outta your league..."
Tobey stares at his hand as he has a flashback, a flashback of Rook-Sama.
Tobey snaps from his trance and shouts "NO!" he wouldn't let it happen again, not this time. He won't let another man take backshots for him while he does nothing about it.
Tobey summons a clone of himself and they charge the sasquatch woman (Ally). Tobey kicks her into the sky and clone over heads her back to the ground, they quickly remerge and charge a big powerful blast
Tobey shoots I giant white energy load that disintegrated the sasquatch lady
BriZ: "Good job Tobey!"
BriZ thinks to himself about how he knew Tobey was prepared all along as the teen does his battle cry, "AMBÖUSEN!!!"
Mitzu (Being useless watching Tobey): So Tobeys his name.... So sugoi....
BriZ thinks to himself out loud
BriZ: "Yeah, they're ready
For anime high"
2 weeks layer, our teen is getting onthe train when he get stopped by a familiar face, Shinobi Bro.
Hayato: "Oi Tobey. Don't think you can leave without saying goodbye, you damn baka."
Tobey throws on his jacket.
Tobey: "I've got a date with destiny, 'ttebayo."
Hayato: "My ninja. Dap me up
Hayato & Tobey: one last time"
BriZ sensei: "oi oi oi, hurry it up you damn idiots"
Mitzu ( stacking Cheerios on top of it): "YEAH WHAT HE SAID! THE TRAIN IS LEAVING!"
Hayato (Patting Tobey on his back): "Go get em tiger."
As Tobey runs after the train, Shinobi bro shouts "TOBEY! PROMISE ME! ONE DAY WE'LL MEET AGAIN! WE STILL HAVE A SCORE TO SETTLE!"Tobey has a flashback to the first time he fought, enemies to friends, and Hayato definitely wants to tie up that score of 0-1
Tobey (Throwing fist us): "I promise it! DATTEBATO!"
Watching the train ride off m, Hayato sheds a tear.
Hayato: "I expect nothing less... From my eternal rival."
Tobey, BriZ sensei, and Mitzu: "NEXT STOP: JAPAN!"