Part 6 -the ending-??

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I was getting ready for the day when I heard a knock on the door I opened it it was Gustav and Georg they came in and that's when Tom pulled me aside and kissed me he said he has to go out of country for a few years I started at him hurt but didn't say anything I looked at him again and told him "it's okay..." he hugged me and I hugged back "I have to go home now guys!" You said to the band "okay bye y/n" the band said
-Tom pov-
The band looked at me. Then someone spoke up "you told her didn't you.?" Gustav said i nodded Gustav and Georg went to pack there bags at there house and me and bill were packed to we headed to the airport i still haven't heard a single text message from y/n I got worried but brushed it off , we got all on plane I was sat next to bill and Georg and Gustav were sat next to each other they were laughing me and bill tried to contact y/n but she didn't answer we sighed and gave up we were both still worried when we got off the plane the tour buss was already there and we got on i tried to contact y/n one more time but she didn't answer so I gave up we got to the hotel and got into our room I showered and changed once I was done I fell asleep the next day I heard bill showering so I got up and changed I still missed y/n but brushed it off...

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