925-929 Trade Offs 1-5

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925 - Trade-offs (1)

Ye Qingtang's expression was rather strange.

If what the Divine Phoenix said was true and it was all an enchantment, then the scenes and people that appeared must be derived from the thoughts of the trial-takers....

But the Divine Phoenix's enchantment skills were too profound, and Ye Qingtang found it difficult to judge the situation.

In addition, she did not remember the events that she saw and experienced in the enchantment. Now, she could only guess a part of it.

Time slipped past as Ye Qingtang pondered deeply.

After a moment, many of the men and women slowly awoke.

Their expressions were dazed, and they looked about them in confusion.

Based on their appearance, it was obvious that they could not recall what had happened.

After about an hour, more than half the people had woken up, including Ye Qingtang and Yin Yang Child.

The other half of the trial-takers were absorbed in the Divine Phoenix's enchantment and were unable to extricate themselves.

Based on the faint flickering expressions of those who were absorbed, she knew that they were enraptured and unable to extricate themselves.

"Everyone, congratulations on passing the trial at this stage." The Divine Phoenix spoke slowly after some time had passed.

The Divine Phoenix's words caused everyone present to exchange glances.

They had passed the third stage's trial of beauty?

But they could not remember anything! They were completely ignorant of the circumstances of the trial or how they had passed it.

Many of them were rather curious about the process of the test, but no matter how hard they searched their minds, they could not find remember a single thing.

No matter how curious they were, they remained unsatisfied.

Naturally, if the Divine Phoenix did not bring it up, they would not ask about it either.

"Apart from you, the remaining trial-takers were not resolute enough. They have sunk into the temptation of beauty and are unable to extricate themselves. They have already been eliminated."

As the Divine Phoenix spoke, the bodies of the ten plus men and women who had not woken up slowly became transparent. In the span of a few breaths, they were sent out by the Divine Phoenix.

They were probably still sunk in the trial, enraptured by the flood of beauty. They did not know that they had lost their chance to obtain the inheritance of the Divine Phoenix.

The tests of the inheritance of the Divine Phoenix were like that. No matter how many stages you passed, as long as you failed one stage, you would be immediately eliminated.

After successive trials at each stage, in the end, only one person could obtain the inheritance.

"Lord Divine Phoenix, if I may ask, how many more stages do we have to pass?" Black and White Holy Son asked as he looked at the scarlet image in the void.

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