Part 1: New Dawn

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The air was still, as usual. Max was sitting near the fire, sharing stories with the other ghosts. 'Glatt's rambling again...' Max thought as they continued to draw something in their notebook. Suddenly, they could feel their consciousness slipping away from their incorporeal body as the sounds of screaming and explosions filled the air, reminding them of the L'Manburg explosions. Everything faded away as the sounds got farther away.

Max could feel themself floating in some way. As they opened their eyes, they realized what it was.

They were drowning.

Max started to choke on their own breath as they swam to the surface for a gasp of air before being pulled back under by the waves. The sounds of screaming turned into cheers in the distance as, once again, their vision faded.

Max finally regained their consciousness, the sheer cold hitting them like a pound of bricks. A cool, red liquid trickled from their lips, the taste metallic and sweet. As they sat up, they noticed that they could feel the ground underneath them. Were they... alive again? But how? For all they knew, death was permanent. Hell, they'd been dead for 100 years now, they were almost positive it was permanent!

They noticed that they still had the blue-stained plush rabbit that Ghostbur gave them as a symbol of friendship, their colored pencils, and their notebook. 'At least I still have my things...' they thought to themself. They stood up, noticing a significant difference in height and a severe lack of horns or wings. "Where... am I?" they said out loud. But the voice that came out of them wasn't theirs. It sounded... deeper and more mature. Not like theirs at all.

"Dream?" A voice spoke from somewhere nearby.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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