[-:-] Chapter 11: Seeing Stars [-:-]

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We see the beautiful galaxy at its greatness, where an owl was telling a story.

"In the great expanse of the nether there exists boundless amounts of magnificent phenomenon the great brilliance of an exploding star, the nimble dance of space dust through a nebula but once every one thousand years our corner of reality is treated to an incredible sight from the deep eldritch recesses of the cosmos the tears of a forgotten colossus begin to fall." Stola narrated.

"Tears made of the hopes and dreams of every living thing that never came to be.  Condensed and sent shooting across the night sky in a dazzling final display.  What appears to mortal beings as a meteor shower we can see for what it is: Azathoth's Tears." Stola finished her story, revealing it to be her narrating to a young Octavia.

"Mummy, can we go see it someday?" The young Octavia giggled.

"Yes, dear. I promise, when the day comes nothing will be able to keep me from being there with you. Good night, my Owlette." Stola tucked Octavia in the bed, before leaving the room.

"Good night!" Octavia yawned, before heading to sleep.



We see an older Octavia, awakening from her slumber. She gets up, marking a day on the calendar which has to do with the meteor shower, where Stola and Octavia would observe together as a family.

She gets ready as she walks down the hallway, on her way to see her mother at the kitchen.

"Hey, mum!" Octavia called, but no one is there except for some boxes.

"Mum? Mum?" She calls, looking around the manor. A sound catches Octavia's attention, making her go outside.

"Yes, I know! It will be there, shortly." Stola was on a phone call, and so is the many imps taking furniture from the house, loading it up onto a van.

"Of course they're being careful!" Stola squeezed a imp with her bare hand.

"Mum, what's going on?" Octavia said from afar.

"Apparently, your mother can't exist somewhere for two minutes without the entirety of her possessions—What? No! I'm not turning her against you—Yes, Stella!" Stola yelled at the phone, while we hear the incoherent screaming of Stella.

"Mum? This is going to be done before tonight, right?" Octavia asked with hope of her mother making the meteor showers.

"What? Oh. I hardly think so. Knowing your mother, this will take all weekend." Stola replied, shattering the dreams of Octavia.

"Don't be gentle about it, now! Break whatever you have to to get it all in there." Stola commanded the imps, making Stella even more mad.

"WHAT?! THIS IS THE REASON WHY I BANGED THAT PRIEST OF YOURS, AND HE WAS WAY BETTER!" Stella roared from the phone, making Stola snap.

"YOU FUCKED Y/N?!" Stola yelled back.

"But, tonight was supposed to-"

"Darling, can we not talk about this now? Your mother's being a real B-I-T-C-H." Stola defined, yet Stella understood the spelling.

"Well, how was I supposed to know you can spell?! I've never seen you read!" Stola roared at the phone once more. Octavia ran back inside the manor, going to her room.

She slammed her room's door shut, in the progress she flipped her telescope and rips the calendar page. She grabbed her bag, ready to head somewhere unknown so she could see the stars.

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