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It was the next day,I was already up and eating cereal,my little brother was playing his stuipd little videos loudly just so everyone could hear. But then again he is only 6."Can you turn that down?" Of course we aren't related,so we weren't gonna act alike.

"No." He huffed at me as he kept eating his cereal. Soon he got up,dumped it down the drain and went back to his room. I rolled my eyes,going onto my phone to text mitch.

Most amazing person - are you awake?

Garbage bag - yeah but our date is in two hours,go back to bed princess.

Most amazing person - I can't,my stuipd brother keeps playing his videos so loudly in the morning.

Garbage bag - So put on headphones to block it out. Problem solved princess.

Most amazing person - your so annoying.

I turn off my phone,dumping my cereal down the drain and going up to my room. Everything felt romantic to me,or atleast it coming from mitch.  I shut my door behind me,looking through my closet for my rollerskates,then I had to pick out an outfit. Soon I was ready."I forgot how to rollerskate." I groan laying back on my bed. Its gonna hurt to bad,falling constantly on my face. Does he even know how to skate?

I tye my shoes,getting up. I had texted MacKenzie this morning if she would like to meet up over at the park. Only cause one I was bored and two why not?

I left my house taking the phone with me,I watched as the cars went by. Wonder,maybe Daniel and cera just came into my neighborhood to make me regret what I did? If so that would be just plan stuipd,why not chose other ways?

I turn the corner to see the park up ahead. We have a park in our neighborhood cause there are more children the adults. Or atleast that's what I feel like. I hopped the fence,I patiently waited on the swings for MacKenzie. I felt like we've been bestfriends since the beginning,we already know lots about each other. We have loads in common. But one thing we don't have in common. Is her being pretty and her popularity.

I mean even cera and her talk,I don't no if MacKenzie does or doesn't like cera. Cause it seems like she is on both sides. Then I saw her car pull up. I watched her park then watched her get out."Hey MacKenzie!"

MacKenzie looked over at me,he smiled and hopped over the fence as well."Claire! You won't believe the stuff that goes down at my house." She came over quickly to the swing set,she sat down on the swing.

"My brother slept with his girlfriend at my house last night! And I guess the condom had holes in it and they didn't know. So now I'm gonna be an auntie!" MacKenzie seemed really excited with this information.

"Wait at your house? That's a little gross." I kicked my legs up then back to start a swinging motion. It definitely Was gross to be hearing moaning probably all night long.

"It's a little gross,but I think her giving labor is gonna be gross." MacKenzie got off the swing. She climbed up onto a tree and sat on one of the branches."And hey I might even get a boyfriend."

"Huh? A moment ago you were single." I twisted the swing chains together,sending me off into a spin,I kept spinning myself till it slowed down.

"Yeah,but hey atleast I can pull someone." MacKenzie stuck her tounge out at me. She laid against the tree,hanging her arms down from it."His name is Daniel."

Wait what? I thought he was on a date with cera tho. They seemed really close when I saw them the other day."Oh? Who's daniel."I pretended I didn't know him. It's not like he is gonna act like he knows me when he sees me again.

"He is a really cute boy I met on snapchat." MacKenzie seemed to have a thrilling day. It was a little strange how Daniel even got her snapchat,maybe through cera. Or backwards.

"Oh,alright,well either way hope your relationship goes well between you and him." I hope it fails. Wait why am I thinking this? She is my friend,I should be happy for her on the inside and out. I got off the swing. I went over to the tree and stood up against it."Just maybe you shouldn't go after him,or don't make it noticeable for the least."

MacKenzie looked down at me."Oh I knoww,trust me middle school tortured me." She got down from the tree."Do you have a boyfriend claire?"

"Well..sort of. It's hard to explain. But we are going on a date today. His name is mitch." I'm assuming if they just found each other on snapchat,Daniel wouldn't have told her yet who mitch is.

"Mitch!? He is such a dirt bag." MacKenzie rolled her eyes,it seemed like she knew mitch already."He was in my middle school,I wanted to pound him right in his nose. He would never shut up about anything."

"Likeee?" I started to feel a little empathy for mitch,he didn't seem like a bad guy once you got to know him that is. I wonder what exactly happened between Daniel and mitch.

"His parents,rich,friends,fighting,bets,truly anything that was in his life." MacKenzie placed her hands into her pockets. She kicked around the sand.

"Oh. Well he doesn't do that to me?" I found it weird,so many people seemed to hate mitch by far. For the rest of the hour we talked and talked. Before I eventually got an uber to go to the skating park. ASTRO skate.

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