Chapter Four

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Emma's POV
"Oh, oh my god, close your eyes." I order clutching my bikini to my chest.

Once I got the neck straps tied I said awkwardly, "Uh David"


"Could you tie my back strap?"

"Uh sure." He turned around and tied it, his warm hands brushing my back.

"Thanks." I say turning around, I'm caught in his eyes. He stares back neither of us blinking. I found myself parting my lips slightly and he was slowly leaning forward.

"Emma!" I heard my sister's voice from inside. I swam quickly to the ladder and sprang up it, barely touching the steps.

"Yeah?" I ask wrapping a towel around me.

"Your face is red, and you're in a towel." She observed.

"No duh, captain obvious."

"You were swimming... with David. You like-" I slap a hand over her mouth and drag her to my room.

"Okay maybe I do a little bit, but not that much... sort of. WewereswimmingandmytopfelloffsoIaskedhimtotieitbackupformeandhedidandthenhestartedleaningtowardmeandIthinkhemightofwantedtokissme." I explain in a rush.

"Whoa, whoa. Your top fell off?!"

I punch her in the arm, "that's not the point you idiot!"

David's POV

Gah! I couldn't get that image out of my head!
Stop it David! She is 20 years younger than you! I scold myself.
She is very devel- no don't even go there. Oh my gosh what am I going to do. I can't just suddenly leave. What would I say 'sorry Steven I am having feelings for your daughter, so I'm just gonna take off.' Not likely. So I would just have to ignore her. As much as I can at least.
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'cause I'm evil.

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