1- Wicked Promise

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This new book is the second book of SIN. It can be read as stand-alone. A/N: Jay is known by Sin in the underground life.


"Nice hit," I taunted, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "But not enough to knock me down." Inna's eyes narrowed in response, a fire igniting within her as she regained her footing. "You think you're tough, Anna?" she retorted, her voice cold and deadly. "Let's see if you can handle this." With renewed determination, she launched herself forward, her fists a blur of motion as she unleashed a barrage of strikes. Fuck- My sister is strong, I must admit.

We were in our basement of the Bratva headquarters, the tension crackled like electricity between us, we were the leaders who had inherited the reins of power following the demise of their treacherous uncle. That fucker. Our gazes locked in a fierce duel as we circled each other, the air heavy with the promise of impending conflict.

Inna gritted her teeth against the onslaught, her muscles straining as she absorbed each blow. With a grunt of effort, I pushed back against her, our bodies locked in a fierce struggle for dominance. "Hit harder, Inna," I goaded. Thunderous claps echoed off the concrete walls. Inna's blows were swift and precise, fueled by years of training and determination. What I like about her is her resilience. Well, she was born to rule beside me.

"Mommy," Alex's sweet baby voice cut through the intensity of our sparring, drawing our attention away from the fight. His mother, who was fully engrossed in the match, immediately turned towards his call and I just used it to bring her down. Inna has my loyalty, but a fight is a fight.

Jay, her deadly husband, gracefully slipped under the ropes of the ring and approached his wife with a knowing smile. "Nice move, Anna," he complimented me, extending a hand to help her back up. "But if I find a single bruise on her tonight, you'll have to answer to me."

I chuckled, knowing Jay's teasing nature all too well. He understood the dynamics of our family, and any harm to his wife would surely be met with both Inna's wrath and mine. "You think so?" I teased back, a playful glint in my eye.

"I know," Jay responded, his gaze momentarily darkening with a hint of seriousness. It was moments like these that reminded me of why I respected Jay so much. His fierce protectiveness over his wife underscored his dedication to our family, making him a pillar of strength.

"Dad, did you see that kick? Aunt An is my hero!" Alex's voice chimed in, breaking the tension with his innocent enthusiasm. He was my little hero, a beacon of light in the darkness that had shrouded us since the fall of the last Pakhan.

Inna turned to her husband with a mischievous smile. "Do I get a kiss for luck?" she asked, leaning in to meet his lips. Their tender moment was interrupted by Alex's candid remark. "Stop kissing, Mother!" he exclaimed, his four-year-old innocence shining through. Reluctantly, Sin pulled away from Inna, his expression a mix of amusement and exasperation. "She's my wife," he groaned, a hint of possessiveness lacing his tone.

"You're my baby boy," Inna cooed, ruffling Alex's hair affectionately as he nestled into her touch, a grin spreading across his face. With his father's hair and hazel eyes, he was the perfect blend of both worlds. "You'll understand when you're older and married too," she teased, a twinkle in her eye.

"Let's marry An?" Alex turned his gaze towards me, his innocent curiosity tugging at my heartstrings. He had taken to calling me 'An' since he started talking. "You're far too young for me, dear Alexander," I replied with a chuckle, playfully dodging the idea.

"Then I'll wait until I'm a man like my father," he declared, his determination shining through. Children had such a simple view of the world, untouched by its complexities.

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