8-The Husband, Not His Woman

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The harsh sunlight sliced through the curtains, stabbing at my face as I stirred from my sleep. I stretched my muscles, feeling the ache and stiffness of a restless night. With a grimace, I turned my attention to my wound, noting with a mix of relief and unease that it seemed to be healing.It dawned on me that my husband had not returned to his bed the whole night. Heaven. But I had heard the faint click of his office door opening at six am before he walked out of the room. My work had made me a light sleeper, attuned to the slightest disturbances in the night.

Shaking off the lingering sense of unease, I rose from the bed and made my way to the bathroom. The thought of a cold shower beckoned to me. There was something invigorating about the shock of cold water against my skin, a sensation that jolted me awake from the harsh realities of life. The cold water washed away the remnants of sleep, leaving me feeling refreshed and alert. I quickly dried off and changed my bandages, noting with approval the array of medical supplies that Jake had stocked in the bathroom. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes about his concern for my well-being.

I pulled on a gray jumper and leggings, opting for comfort over style. There were plenty of casual dresses in the wardrobe, but today was not the day for frivolity. I needed to speak with Sin about the recent events at one of our casinos in Moscow. There had been a fight last night, and I needed to ensure that everything was under control.

"You're awake," Jake's voice cut through the morning silence as he entered the wing. It was eight in the morning, and I couldn't help but wonder where he had disappeared too early in the morning. I walked over to the dressing room to retrieve my laptop from the case. It seemed that the maids had meticulously organized all my belongings in the dressing room, thankfully without rummaging through my cases. Ignoring Jake, who had wandered into the bathroom, I grabbed my laptop and settled myself on the sofas.I needed my morning coffee; otherwise, I was certain I would snap at someone today. Plus, I needed a proper desk to work; the sofa just wouldn't cut it. Despite this, I logged into the CCTV of the casino to review the footage that Keith had sent me the previous day. As I typed away, I realized that my fingers were bare—my ring must have been left in the bathroom while I showered.

Ignoring the nagging thought, I focused on the footage. However, my concentration was interrupted by a faint commotion outside the wing. It was still early, but I could hear it. Before I could investigate, Jake emerged from the bathroom, his glare so intense that if looks could kill, the entire wing would have been reduced to ashes.

He hurried out of my sight but was replaced by the sound of small, excited steps running towards me. I didn't need to see to know who it was—Alex's eyes locked with mine as he entered, a wide smile stretching from ear to ear. He was dressed in black jeans and a white Lacoste jumper, looking as energetic as ever. "An!" His voice was filled with joy and enthusiasm. One thing about this little man, he was growing stronger day by day. It was clear he loved waking up early, and I wouldn't be surprised if he had managed to rouse his parents from their sleep before convincing them to let him come here. But why hadn't his mother come with him? Alex's small hands wrapped around me, causing my laptop to tumble beside me. "Where is Inna?" I inquired about my sister, just as Jake entered the room after him. "Keith and Jade brought him; he was causing a commotion."

"I was not causing a fuss," Alex muttered, glaring at Jake, who returned the glare. The audacity of this man was infuriating."You're not causing a fuss, Alex. You can come here whenever you want," I replied, shooting a glare back at my husband, who was now scrutinizing me from head to toe. "You shouldn't wear leggings; they'll press against your bandage," Jake advised me thinking that he was my doctor.

"I intend to leave and don't plan to flaunt my wound to the world after spending the night with my husband," I stated, my voice steady and calm."If you choose to stay and remain dense, that's your decision," he retorted, his eyes glaring at me, though his body remained composed. I needed my caffeine fix for the day, or I might just lose my temper and kill him. Right now. "An?" Alex's voice interrupted, wrapping around me. "Have you had your coffee?" he inquired.

"No, I haven't," I replied. This child knew me well. I remembered how, back home, whenever he woke up early, he would find me awake, and we would spend time together. I'd drink my coffee while he babbled in his own language. He had become my morning companion somehow. "Should I bring you one, An?" he offered, looking down at his hands as if contemplating. "But I don't know where the kitchen is. I've heard Mom saying that these people love fucking drinking tea, they only serve fucking tea.," Alex said, his curse making me frown. I was sure that if Inna heard her son cursing and knew he had heard her talking about British people, she would be furious. "I dislike tea as well, Alexander," I replied, waiting for Jake to say something. "Don't tell Mom that I used that word," Alex added hastily.

"I won't," I smirked, prompting him to kiss me. He always kissed the side of my cheek where the scar lay. He had once told me that it would heal if given love, and it had become a habit for him to kiss me there. "Thank you, An," Alex said, turning to Jake, who observed us as if we were unwelcome in this wing—well, we practically were.

"Eww, this flower looks so weird," Alex remarked, causing me to furrow my brow. What flower was he referring to? Following his gaze, I saw a pot near the window with blue flowers planted inside. They did look peculiar, with equal-sized sepals and petals. The flowers were quite small, and four of them were present—two in bloom and two still closed. I hadn't noticed the pot yesterday, but then again, it was nighttime; perhaps the closed flowers had bloomed overnight? "The queen brought them as a wedding gift for you," Jake explained.

Who brings flowers as a wedding gift? Only the queen.

"And who are you?" Alex inquired looking up and down at Jake, as if he was not who had brought him here.

"The husband," Jake replied curtly, seeming bored by the conversation."Of whom?""Of your aunt," Jake answered."No, you're not."


"Because I will be her husband," Alex declared with determination, clearly already harboring a dislike for Jake. The intensity of his hatred was palpable.


"When I grow up. She is my woman," Alex asserted, and I could tell he had picked up that last phrase from his father. Jake shot him a glare. Was he really going to engage in a confrontation with a little boy? I waited for him to respond, but he simply retreated into his dressing room, emerging in a khaki polo shirt tucked into black jeans, with a blazer in his hands. With confident strides, he reappeared from his office, now holding a portfolio, and then strode out. Alex watched him intently as he left. Jake looked incredibly attractive in his attire, his defined arms visible under the shirt. He left with a gleaming ring on his finger. Turning to Alexander, I asked, "Should we get some coffee?"

"Yes," he eagerly replied.

"But with milk for you," I added."Yes!" he squealed."I say let the world go to hell, but I should always have my coffee."

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