Episode 1

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Nature is complex yet so simple. Born as one and destined for companships to make another one. The cycle repeats. No matter how hard we try it's hard to be alone. Anyone that wants to be does not actually want to be, it's a lie. Put a child on a playground, they are going to come back with a friend. Whether that companionship is an union, friendship, sex or hook up. It's nature, we can't help it. What happens when that bond is broken and they are not longer there... Nature is cruel...

It can be said if love does not constantly scare you then is it really love? If is not contained it can escape your heart and burn every element of you. "Sigh I am in my head again" I allow the mornings' light to burn my eyes with its welcoming warm, hello. I don't know but It feels so familiar. I enjoy laying in the presents of the sun every morning. It is the only time I feel that 'warmth'"You have done it woman, you have officially gone mad,". I roll over on the cold empty bed, taking a deep stretch as I mentally prepare myself for the new day. Sometimes I wish sleeping was a job but the only thing that you can do is die if you want to sleep forever. Sadly I cannot do that.

I finally raise my body off of the bed examining my appearance in the mirror. I observe that my bonnet is in the room with me but not on my head so my hair looks like it's on its way to a successful locs journey. I am beautiful, timeless, and breathtaking. My doe brown eyes, golden skin, and sculpturing figure. I am a work of art. Am I? I look a mess. I finally start my journey to prepare for my day. I start my day with a prayer then turn on some ABBA to set the mood.

The fresh air fills my nostrils as I descend the flight of stairs and also... What is that?" Oh, good morning Mommy I am making breakfast this morning" My eyes drift from the eggshells on the counter, flour on my kitchen floor, and a pile of dishes. My skin immediately starts to crawl at the state of my kitchen and now all I want to do is pelt my bedroom slipper at this girl. I also take the moment to observe her figure. Broad shoulders, deep brown eyes, tall, slender... Just beautiful.

"You are wasting your height playing football you should play basketball. Will definitely have a higher chance of getting a scholarship," I say as I take an eggshell of hair. "I can also see that I should invest some money in cooking classes. Certainly, a trait you did not get from me" I say as I take another eggshell out of her hair. "Oh gosh, mommy why are you like that? I just want to get more experience in the kitchen..."

"That's very interesting, how come?" her face immediately goes blank, and starts to twist her feet. "Reasons..." she says then immediately changes the topic. "I called the office this morning,"

"Oh really? Why did you not tell me beforehand? Oh my, what did you say?" I immediately start to get shaky, this girl barely remembers to lock the house door before she leaves. "Mommy we are living in a gated community nobody is studying you"  Mad child! Even with all of her crazy episodes, I am extremely proud of her. I always want her to follow her dreams and make something good of herself. Although I wish she can just stay with me forever, she is all I have.

"Ugh, Mommy I am 19 I am capable of making a phone call!"

"You cannot even place a proper delivery order"

"I have, multiple times"

"You tripped running up the stairs yesterday to ask me if the pepperoni on pizza is pigs meat while the woman was waiting for your order..."

"Ugh, anyway! They said that they will schedule an interview for me," she said proudly, folding her arms and smiling. "That's great Jasher, so what day did they put you for?" her smiling instantly drops and her expression becomes puzzled. "Oh I did not ask, I got excited and hung up," my slipper immediately greets her face. "Call them back"

"Yes Mommy"

She looks just like him. His style, everything.

"She would have loved you"


These are times I miss home. London is so busy and suffocating. Jasher and I hold onto each other's hands as we squeeze past the pedestrians and make our way to the nearest coffee shop. There was no way I was going to allow either of us to eat that dog food. She still had to clean my kitchen spotless of course.

"Mommy but this has to soak"

"You better start scrubbing else we will be eating O2 for breakfast!"

We finally make our way to the coffee shop and begin to order. It does not take long before the food arrives and we begin to eat. My face immediately starts to turn at the first bite of the eggs. "Hmm, where are the prementos, shado beni... where is the flavor!" Jasher starts to feel embarrassed as she looks around at the people who heard the comment. "Mommy, inside voice," she says shushing me. "Apparently the seasoning is not a part of the menu," I scornfully scraped the eggs aside with my knife. "Not everything needs green seasoning Mommy" She widens her eyes indicating to me to behave myself. I sigh and mumble as I eat my toast.

"So...umm George is taking me to dinner tonight," she looks down trying to hold back her blush. "It is absurd how quickly the years can pass with...a person...the person you love" I frown at the thought of it. "I believe that you could have waited a little longer for a relationship, men are not going anywhere. I think you and George should wait. You're still young and have better things to focus on. Don't want any distractions but I guess you are old enough to make that decision,".

Jasher is now looking me dead in the eyes. "Yes, I do believe I am old enough to make my own decisions," she says sternly but softly.

"You lived, I want to live my own life,"

"You are still in my house and I am still responsible for you. If I have to decide to protect you, especially your heart I will. I am your mother and it's my job!" my blood boils and my pressure starts to rise at that moment. My head starts to spin at the thought of seeing her heart crushed, depressed, broken, and empty.

"Are you serious right now?" Jashers voice starts to raise and the attention of the cafe is now drawn to the scene taking place. Jasher swiftly kicks back her seat knocking over the waiter behind her. The metal tray vigorously hits the floors sending vibrations throughout the room right through every cell in my body.

"Noo, please noo! I am sorry I am so sorry no please no don't leave me! I need you!"

The blood starts to circle swiftly within me as the breaths needed are too much for my body the physically keep up with. The pools start to form in my lids and my head starts to spin. The last thing I see is Jasher running to me before I collapse.



Hey guys thank you for tuning into my first ever project. I hope you guys enjoy. Love ya~

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