// Changes \\

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𝐌 𝐎 𝐍 𝐓 𝐇 𝐒   𝐋 𝐀 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑 . . .

Days turn into weeks, weeks into months, and their friendship grew, a bond unlike anyone could expect. Jamie couldn't be more grateful and happy to have Miles in her life.

Sadly, a little change would come. Miles was switching schools, something he had been dreading for a while now. But to makes things worse, the young girl didn't know about it yet. So as if telling his friend and going to a school he didn't want to go wasn't hard enough already.

"Hey, uh... Jamie?" Miles softly spoke, finding himself to not be as nervous when he spoke to her, their friendship has grown a lot over the course of this year. They had become close, and he trusted her. After a moment of thinking, he decided to tell her his news as he looked the girl in the eyes, letting out a small sigh. "There's something I have to tell you..."

Jamie seemed to notice his sudden change in demeanor, she felt a little concern and looked at him with soft eyes. "Okay, what's up?"

Miles took in another deep breath, looking as if he had a lot he had to say to her. He held in the air for a moment, choosing his next words carefully when speaking with her. "You remember the entrance exam for that school I told you about?"

The young girl paused to think and nods softly. "Oh, yeah. I do... Visions Academy, right?" She asks, then stopped and stared at him in realization. "Wait... Miles you got in?"

Morales raised his eyebrows at her realization, he found her tone to be concerned in a way as he nodded back at her. "Yes, unfortunately... and I got accepted.." He whispered, seeming to be a little hesitant to talk about it. His emotions could be picked up by the girl, this definitely wasn't his first choice at all... It was a fact of not wanting to leave a friend behind.

The young girl stares at him blankly in silence for a few seconds with wide eyes as it changes to a huge smile hovering her lips, "Oh my gosh, Miles, that's amazing!" She wraps her arms around him, pulls the boy into a hug happily.

After a moment of surprise, Miles seemed to be a bit flustered by the girl's sudden embrace, as his cheeks slightly flushed with a light pink hue. It was a little hard for him to be so happy about this situation, as he returned the hug and smiled back, but still seemed a little on edge...

"Th-thanks Jamie.. But that's not all that I wanted to talk to you about..." He softly spoke, still trying to hold back the sad feelings of the situation.

Her smile is gone the minute he spoke again, nodding gently and looking at him intently. The young girl's eyes showing that she is listening to whatever her friend wants or has to say and lay off his chest.

Miles took in a deep breath, and with much reluctance he finally spoke. "Well, to make the story short... I'm... moving to Visions Academy... and uh... I'll be switching on Monday." He softly spoke, looking at the floor with a frown after finishing his sentence. He didn't want to leave her like this, but his parents were adamant on it, and it felt like he didn't really have a choice. His mood was certainly down now, and his disappointment could be felt by her.

"...Oh." was all she could say and looks down at her lap, still waiting and listening to what he has to say next.

Miles was silent for a few moments, feeling somewhat bad that she was reacting this way. "I know, I know... I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to come off so abruptly, it's just that..." He sighed, unsure of how to word it, as he took in a deep breath again, "My parents are the ones who... are kind of forcing me to go... and I..."

He kept his voice steady, but his expression was showing that he was upset about it. "I just don't know how I feel about moving to Visions... it all seems so sudden and..."

Miles ran his fingers through his hair, speaking with a more nervous tone when he spoke again. "I don't know anyone that goes to that school..."

Eventually, he decides to be completely honest with her. "I... really don't want to leave... I don't want to be moving schools at all..." Morales states with a heavy sigh, "If it was up to me... I probably wouldn't be moving at all. I like it at Brooklyn Middle, with you... and my other friends..." He softly said, finally allowing his true feelings to be released. It had all been bottled up for so long, that the boy just needed to be able to speak to someone about it.

Jamie listened through his words and feelings, she was actually impressed by his honesty. She knew he didn't like lying, she didn't like it herself too, but felt sad that she was (sort of) losing a good friend.

For a few seconds, she remained silent and processed the information, her expression being solemn as her lips formed a small sad smile. It made sense why he acted differently the whole dinner, the nervous energy that he was gave off. Her eyes returned to his, trying to find words to say after Miles spoke.

She was a little hurt and upset that he hadn't told her sooner, it was happening so soon. But being angry and selfish to him now wasn't going to help things and it wasn't what he needed right now, instead she just nodded softly with understanding. "I-I mean... I can't deny that I will miss you."

"You'll miss me?" His eyebrow quirks up with a grin and eyed his friend.

Jamie roling her eyes, playfully hitting his shoulder with a laugh. "Shut up, of course, I'll miss you... We may have been friends in less than a year but I'd consider you as one of my closest friends, Miles. A best friend even..."

His smile faltering a bit, yet felt nothing but gratitude to know and have someone like her in his life.

"Besides I'll still be here in Brooklyn even if we won't see each other every day, just a couple of miles away. Plus we can still hang out every now and then..."

"But not too long hopefully."

The two share a laugh at his response, the young girl nods simply in agreement. "But Miles, you getting into Visions is a good thing... I'm proud of you." She places her hand on his shoulder and gave him a smile.

"Thanks, Jamie."

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