Introduction (1)

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Like most love stories this one also starts at with a high school and two completely polar opposite senior students in their final year of high school.

First off we have Kelly, the charming star quarterback of the schools football team, the person every guy wants to be and every girl wants to be with.  With his athletic prowess, magnetic personality and undeniable talent he captivates the attention of everyone on and off the field. It's no wonder why he's the most popular guy in school.

Then we have Stella, she too has so much to offer, only hers is more on a creative level rather than athletic, however she was never given the time to be appreciated or supported, she deserved better than the life she was given, loosing her parents in a house fire at a young age left Stella soon became lost in the foster system, this became the root of the torment that her peers would inflict on her daily, thus loosing herself in the process.


Stella's POV

Here I sit at the back of another classroom not really paying attention to whatever my teacher has to say, I spend most of my lessons just doodling in my sketch book, I am naturally smart and love to read so learn all that I have to from books so even though I don't pay attention in class I still manage to pass any tests.

"Miss Kidd" I hear beside me as I come out of my thoughts as I look up and see my teacher stood next to my desk looking down at my drawing "was you listening to anything I was saying" my teacher asks as I look around and see everyone's eyes at me, some of the students snigger and make slight remarks such as "dork" and "moron"

I look back at my teacher "sorry Mrs Harvey" I say as she takes my sketch book "you can collect this later in detention" she says as I try to grab it from her but she moves it away and I just watch her walk back to the front.

"Bet she was drawing a family picture, oh wait she doesn't know what that is" I hear someone shout across the classroom as everyone laughs, and it may have just been in my head but I'm sure Mrs Harvey also did a slight chuckle, I just turn my head an look out the window trying to hold back my tears.

The rest of the lesson carried on until the bell signalled for lunch, all the students rushed out of their chairs to try get to the cafeteria first, I on the other hand bring my own lunch in so I can sit in the library.

I slowly made my way towards the library with my head down when I felt someone being pushed into me causing me to fly into the lockers, I look up and see a group of jocks laughing, the one that was pushed into me turns round and looks at me. It was Kelly, he was the most popular guy in school, star quarterback of the football team. "Maybe Watch where your going, nerd" I hear one of the jocks say as Kelly still looks at me "sorry about that, they pushed me" he says quietly like he doesn't want them to hear that he's talking to me. I don't blame him though, no one wants to be seen talking to me.

I place my bag handle back on my shoulder that fell down when I hit the locker and just carry on walking towards the library, I feel eyes burn into the back of my head as I look over my shoulder and see Kelly still looking at me, I see one of his friends punch his arm to get his attention as he quickly turns away and continues laughing with his friends.

I take a seat in my usual spot at the library and take out my lunch along with a book I'm halfway through reading. Lunch times where my favourite time of the day as I got a full hour to myself, no one tormenting me, I normally spend half the time reading and the other half finishing of any of my drawings but as my sketch book has been confiscated I will just use the whole hour to try finish this book.

I had just finished my sandwich when the lovely librarian Miss Martin came over to me "hey Stella, how you finding that book" she asks me as she places the pile of books she was carrying down.

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