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Kelly's POV

Today as me and Stella were leaving the firehouse I received a text with an update on the paternity test results that sent me and estimated time of delivery.

The estimated time was for 10:29-12:29 so after me and Stella stopped by to pick up some breakfast we arranged to go over to Britney's to meet Amy, she assured us Britney was out so she wouldn't be bothering us.

"Are you nervous" I hear Stella say as she runs her hand along my thigh as I drive, I turn and look at her and shrug "I don't know, maybe just a little, these results could possibly change our whole life" I say sighing a little as I look back at the road.

"Not between us though, you could find out you have another 2, 22 or 200 kids" she says as I look at her wide eyes "okay 200 was a bit extreme but what I'm trying to say is no matter what, it wouldn't change how I feel about you, I love you Kelly, and that includes whatever baggage comes along with you" she says as I smile at her.

"I love you" I whisper to her as she leans forward and I lean in also to kiss her.

The Satnav tells us we have arrived at Britney's house as I look up at it "can see daddy's money is still in use" I say as Stella hits my arm "ahh what was that for" I ask her rubbing my arm. "I don't know...reflex" she says laughing as we both climb out the car.

We head upto the porch and I ring the doorbell. Seconds later I hear footsteps coming towards the door as it opens and I see Amy smiling up at us "you made it, post hasn't been delivered yet but come in I'll make yous some coffee" she says stepping aside to let us in.

We walk inside and I look around "nice place, how did Britney afford this?" I ask as we follow Amy through to the kitchen "oh her dad bought it, he was going to rent it out but decided to gift it to Britney as a 21st birthday present" Amy says as I look at Stella with the face that said "I told you so"

"Where's jenny?" Stella asks as Amy points outside into the back yard as I see her riding around on a bicycle "she doesn't actually know you're coming, she had her new hearing aids fitted in yesterday so she will be able to hear you if you speak loud enough, and respond with small words" Amy says as I head towards the door, she turns around and spots me stood at the door as she quickly jumps of her bike and runs towards me.

I crouch down and catch her in my arms as she hugs me tightly. "Hello you, you having fun" I ask her as she nods, she then points to her bike and pretends to hold the handles "" she says as I smile "I see that, can you show me your bike" I ask her as she nods again grabbing my hand and pulling me to her bike

She climbs on the bike and then kicks of with her foot before placing it on the pedals moving her legs fast as she rides around the yard.


Stella's POV

I look out at Kelly and Jenny from the kitchen island, watching him run around after her as she rides away from him giggling "he's going to be a great dad" I hear Amy say as I look at her and see her placing a coffee in front of me "it's decaf so shouldn't give you heartburn or reflux" she says as I wrap my hand around the cup.

"Thankyou..." I tell her as I lift the cup up and drink some. "Stella...if the result come back that Kelly is Jennys dad, I want you to know that I don't want anything from him, he can be as involved as he wants to, the balls are all in his court" Amy says as I look at her.

"Knowing Kelly and how he's taken this whole thing already, he's probably going to be very present with her if he is the father" I tell her as she sits on the stool next to me.

"And are you sure you're okay with it all, I would hate for this to drive a wedge between you two, it's very clear how much he loves you, and you him" she says looking out at Jenny and Kelly.

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