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✨⭐️Jisung's pov⭐️✨

I was so out of myself. How the hell should I find him? He could literally be anywhere in this entire fucking god damn world. I took my phone back down in my pocket as my brain kept on going and going to figure out what the hell i should do.

"Go without me. I want to do this alone" I said While looking down at the ground so angry that it felt like my head was gonna explode soon. That mother fucking bastard was taking Minho away and torturing him. I WILL STOP HIM AND LET HIM PAY FOR IT.

"Jisung we can't just leave you doing this all alone. What if something bad happens to you?'' Felix said while laying a hand on my left shoulder with a worried face expression. I knew that Felix was that kind of person that was always taking care of the members and making sure that they weren't hurt or feeling sad. Felix couldn't live without any of them and if it should be true I couldn't either.

"Stop Felix" I said angrily while moving his hand away from my shoulder and making it fall down. I wasn't angry at him but at that stupid kidnapper who took Minho away from me. I was also a little bit angry at myself for letting him take Minho away without me even noticing it before.

"I will do this alone. All alone" I said again while I moved my head up to look at all of them. They stood in a half circle in front of me looking all worried. Felix began to tear up and walked over to hug Chan that was standing in the middle.

"I'm sorry but I won't let you be in danger. I would be out of myself if I also missed you too." They all looked at me and Felix slowly let go of Chan. I moved forwards to get much closer to them as possible to give them a really big hug before leaving to find Minho

"I won't get hurt, trust me. I know what i am doing" I said looking around at each member to try to convince them that i knew much about it even though I didn't know that much about what the hell I was going to do. Hyunjin nodded and walked over to give me a second hug before letting me leave. I lent in to the hug and could feel the soft warmth of his body.

"Now I need to find Minho before anything horrible happens" Hyunjin let go of the hug and waved goodbye before they all went over to the door with all their stuff. They went out one by one and Chan waited to be sure they didn't miss any more of them. He then began waving slowly at me with a sad but proud smile on his face.

I turned around when they all disappeared in between the walls as the door closet behind them. I began thinking about what I should do and how I could find him.

Then I got a plan.

I took my phone out of my pocket and found the tracking app I downloaded some time ago when we all got stuck in the middle of a forest. I opened it and saw the members moving slowly from place to place in the bus. But it didn't seem like there was any sign of Minho. I zoomed out until I finally found his phone. It didn't really seem like it was in a place where many people lived, more like a farm with only 2 other houses beside it.

My smile dropped immediately and I could feel my eyes slowly turning darker as the madness was blinding me fully now. My fingernails began digging into my fist so hard that it made my skin cut open and small blood stains began running down my hand.

I began running to the nearest fire exit and ran down all the stairs. I then ran to the nearest bus stop without stopping, not even for a second. Luckily the bus came only for about 1 minute after so i jumped on and sat down. I took my hood up and covered my head. I then found a mask in my pocket and took it on so that no one would recognize me. I kept the app open all the time to check if I was moving the right way and I surely did.

"Minho, i'm coming for you!"

✨⭐️ Minho's pov⭐️✨

The knife was running through my skin making it spread open. My blood was running down and dripping from my bare feet. This was the worst thing ever it hurted so goddamn much. My jaw was beginning to hurt so badly and my spit was falling from my mouth and down to my chest. I felt like my body was getting ripped over soon. I was about to faint because it hurted so badly and I tried my best to move and used all of my strength but I began to slowly give up since nothing happened.

"You look so good covered in blood that it makes me so hard" The man said, looking evilly at my body while licking his bottom lip. Ew!!! That guy was sounding SO disgusting!! He then moved closer to me and sat on his knees in front of me. I closed my eyes hard so I didn't have to look at him. I was so fucking scared of this psychopath. He wasn't scared of anything and could easily kill me if he wanted to.

I felt so weak.

Then he began licking my tights up and down, removing the blood with his tongue. He then bit my leg so hard that my skin broke and even more blood was running down my leg. I screamed around the red ball in my mouth trying my best to spit it out even though it was impossible. Then I began to see black dots appear in my vision and slowly it all went black.


I opened my eyes quickly while my heartbeat was rising. what was that I thought looking around in the dark basement. Then a dark figure began to appear in the darkness. It was coming towards me. I'm dead I'm so fucking dead i thought as my heart beat kept rising. I closed my eyes hard and moved my head to the other side preparing myself for my last breath of all time.

Then I felt two cold hands around my body and a well known voice coming from the person saying "Minho, i found you" I opened my eyes quickly and looked down to see Hannie hugging my body tight. He then looked up at me with red teary eyes and said.

"You look horrible what has he done to you" I felt quite embarrassed because I was hanging all naked in front of him but he didn't seem to care about it and instead ran over the big chain holding my left food and removed it.

My body felt so released as my foot was now free and I could move it again. He quickly ran to the other side and released my other foot. Now I was only hanging with my hands tied together. He looked around for something. It seemed like he found it when he rushed to the other side of the basement, returning with a big chair in his hands. He placed it in front of me and stood up on it to release my hands.

He struggled a bit to keep the balance on the chair but he got it in the end as I fell landing on the hard stone floor. "Sorry Minho" He said while jumping off of the chair and hugged me on the ground. My eyes began tearing up and I hugged him back with all my love. He then untied the knot in the back of my head and removed the ball from my mouth. My body felt so released and weak but it felt so good to finally be able to move my mouth.

Jisung then jumped on me in a big kiss, making me fall backwards so my back was touching the ground. His lips felt so good around mine as I felt it with my life. I then tried to press my tongue inside his mouth and he gladly accepted it. He took his hand up and massaged my scalp with his fingers that were running through my hair.

But then the kiss got interrupted by an angry screaming voice behind us.


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