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I finally made it to class, phew, first two periods were maths and science which were so boring and then lunch went pretty much good, i was glad that Katey didn't interrupt or try to bully me although she always kept giving me death stares but i wasn't afraid of her because I had my friends.

"We have a basketball match tonight, you both girls wanna join in the audience?" Chris asked

"You may get the vip seats as well" Kyle said winking

"OMG I'm in ! " Paige said jumping "Ava your coming too"

"What ? No thanks i have homework"

"Just ignore your homework for once dude" Chris said all annoyed hahaha he was just like a small kid

"Fine fine I'll come ! Happy ?"

"Your reward" Kyle said giving me a ..........

"An apple? Seriously"

"It has a meaning to it Ava don't take it for granted "

"Oh really and what would that meaning be Mr Kyle " i asked crossing my hands

"It means that your the apple to my eyes"

"Noooooo" Paige said closing her ears

"What happened to my boyyy he used to make out with chicks now he's throwing cringey pick up lines ahhhhh" Chris, damn i couldn't stop laughing at him

"Just eat your food Kyle"

"Yes ma'am " ughh this guy is annoying

Soon school was over and Kyle offered that i come to his house after school so that we could go to the school stadium together as those two lovebirds were going together so i agreed

I have been to his house twice but everytime I'm in awe, bro is house looks so beautiful when it's all cleaned with no guys making out and no girls twerking. Seriously, wrong generation!

Kyle introduced me to his mom and dad and also her small sister  whose named was Amber and she was in middle school. Trust me, i had expected his parents to be all strict and dangerous kind but they were so sweet and his parents made such a cute couple

He leaded me to his room which had white walls but only one black wall which was behind his bed, rest there was a closet, desk and a bookshelf with a few books on buisness and rest were video games.

He had basketball jerseys displayed on one wall which looked really good.

"Cool jerseys " i said fantasizing them
"Thanks " he said and took off his shirt

"God Kyle atleast warn before doing something like that!" I yelled covering my eyes

"What? You've already seen my abs haven't you" he winking at me. Ugh this jerk


"Hey why don't you come to the match wearing my jersey?" Wait did he seriously ask me that

"Your jersey ?"

"Ya, i mean you'll be supporting me so why not wear my jersey"

"Dont couples usually do that and anyways who said I'll be supporting you" i said with a full intention of teasing him back

"Mhm so i see, you won't be cheering me will you" he began taking steps towards me still with no shirt and i took steps backwards until his desk was right behind me and he was just one centimetre close to my face which made me blush hardcore

"I like seeing you blush " he winked

"I'm not blushing " seriously I'm dumb

"Alright whatever you say but you'll be cheering me today "

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