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Wednesday, 20th October 1999

Harry eyes Draco in Care Of Magical Creatures, Harry didn't want to disturb Draco after Transfiguration, Harry had also been with Ron at that time, still sulking about his breakup with Hermione.

Care Of Magical Creatures quickly ends, and Harry runs to catch up with Draco (stupid bugger, nobody needs to walk that fast).

"Malfoy," Harry begins as he finally catches up to Draco,

"Ah, Potter, to what do I owe the pleasure?", Draco smiles at him, he has a beautiful smile, and Harry can't help but to smile back.

"Take a walk with me?"

Draco's smile widens


Harry and Draco walk side by side, in silence, for a few moments,

"So, Potter, what is this about exactly", Draco asks, not turning his head to look toward Harry,

"Remember when I told you about the letter I'd received from Parkinson?" Harry replies, still looking at the side of Draco's face,

"Ah, yes. How did that go? What did she want to chat about?" Draco finally turns his head and makes eye contact with Harry,

Harry really doesn't know to bring this up to someone.

"Well, she wanted to know more about Hermione,"

"Oh god." Draco scoffs and looks away from Harry, back to the path they were walking,

"What?" Harry asks,

"She told you, didn't she, what an imbecile." Draco rolls his eyes,

"Told me what?" Harry asks nervously, Draco looks, back toward Harry,

"You know what, Potter."

"That she and Hermione are Lesbians for each other?" Harry responds, with hesitance,

"Yep, what an idiot." Draco sighs,

"Wait, you knew?" Harry asks, stopping and fully turning his body to look at Draco,

"Of course I knew, she's my best friend" Draco's pupils once again reach the top of his eyes and he turns again to face Harry,

"So, she wasn't cheating on you?" Harry asks, more confused than ever,

"No, she wasn't cheating on me, well I mean she did technically, but she told me directly after and we broke up, and she is now just my best friend" Draco shrugs,

"Well that's good then, I really did not want to have to tell you she was cheating", Harry crosses his arms and grabs his elbows, he smiles sheepishly as Draco huffs out a laugh and gives him a smile.

It's only then that Harry fully realizes how far they have walked,

"We've walked very far" Harry States, not breaking the eye contact he has with Draco,

"Yes, we have, haven't we" Draco smiles, tight-lipped, he hits the back of his hand against Harry's wrist,

Harry smiles.

They stand there, making eye contact, just for a few seconds, Harry can't help it,

He pulls Draco in, slotting his head into the crook of his neck, he closes his eyes and breathes in Draco's scent, the now comforting smell of green apple that Harry had once convinced himself he hated.

Harry nearly begins to cry as he feels Malfoy's arms circle around his waist and pulls him closer.

And maybe Harry really is crying because Draco is running his hand up and down Harry's spine and he can swear that he can hear Draco Malfoy whispering comforts into his hair.

And again, they stand there, intertwined, Harry crying into Malfoy's neck, for just a few minutes.

Eventually, Harry pulls back,

"Sorry", he says as he wipes the tears from his eyes from under his glasses,

"Nothing to apologize about, let's get back to school, yeah? dinner is starting soon" Draco offers Harry a nervous smile and he returns it, nodding in agreement.

They walk side by side, in silence, a comfortable one, Harry, in an act of rambunction, reaches out, slotting Draco's fingers in his own, Draco immediately returns the gesture, squeezing Harry's hand in return.

they reach the entrance to Hogwarts soon enough, the two of them hug again and they separate but not before Harry can whisper Draco a thank you.


Ron Weasley groans as he reaches for a book on the top shelf, he gets on his tippy toes and reaches up as far as he can and groans again as he still can't reach, he's just about to give up on reading 'Chudley Cannons: A Team Cursed' when a dark hand emerges from behind him grabbing the book from the shelf,

"Hmm, Chudley Cannons, not a fan myself, I mean, how bad do you have to be to lose that many times", He laughs as he reaches to give the book to Ron, he immediately snatches the book from his hands,

"I didn't need your help, Zabini" Ron spits out at him and Blaise smiles at him,

Ron walks away from Blaise and he sits at a table in the corner of the library and opens his book,

There is a sound from across the table and Ron looks up,

Blaise sits on the other end of the table, hand resting on his elbow propped up in the table, he's showing off his irritatingly straight and white teeth in a cocky grin,

"What do you want, Zabini?" Ron speaks the words like acid and Blaise's grin falters for just a second,

"I heard your girlfriend broke up with you, Weasley,"

"Who told you that?"

"Pansy did, she just seems to know everything, she's such a gossip" Blaise rolls his eyes and shifts so that both of his hands are incasing his face as both his elbows now rest on the table,

"So you came over here to make fun of me for my girlfriend breaking up with me? You're such an ass-"

"No! No, that's not what I'm doing at all!"

"Then why are you here" Ron flips his book shut, finally making full eye contact with Blaise,

"So you're single now? Right?" Blaise asks him,

"Yeah, I am, what about it?" Ron asks, wrinkling his nose, Blaise smiles at him,

"Do you have a phone, like a cell phone? A Nokia?"

"They're not allowed at Hogwarts-",

Blaise rolls his eyes, "I didn't ask if they're allowed I asked if you had one"

"Yeah, I do, what is going on, are you trying to get me in trouble?"

Blaise shoes his head no and slips Ron a small piece of parchment,

"My phone number, send me a text sometime" and he stands up and walks away, leaving Ron very confused

Ron is left confused holding the piece of parchment in his palm,

Would messaging Zabini be a good idea?

Tristis Amor |Drarry|Where stories live. Discover now