7 - The Celebration

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Aha'ri may have taken a little detour when flying back to High Camp. She was filled with ecstasy and the remainder of adrenaline and had to do a couple of celebratory spins and loops around the hanging vines of the hallelujah mountains, giggling to herself as she went.

When she landed back at the village, Kiri, Tuk, and Lurei were waiting for her. When Aha'ri saw them, her face lit up and she jumped off of Kilvan to run over and hug them.

"Well? How did it go?" Kiri asked, pulling away from the group hug.

Aha'ri put her hands on her hips and puffed out her chest with a jokingly smug smile, "A clean kill."

"Tell us more!" Lurei jumped up and down, tugging on Aha'ri's arm.

Aha'ri chuckled. "Well, the herd was pretty big. I got the biggest and strongest one, which was kind of intimidating. I admittedly almost got lost in my thoughts but..." she trailed off, thinking of what Neteyam did for her.

"But, what? What happened?" Tuk asked, clearly invested in the story.

Aha'ri blinked and smiled down at her. "But, I was able to snap out of it. I shot the arrow and it landed right in the weak spot." She mimed the movements as she told them the story. She didn't want to tell what Neteyam did, not because she wanted the glory for herself but because she knew if she told them, let alone Kiri, she would never hear the end of their teasing.

Aha'ri continued. "Jake and Neytiri said they were very proud of me and there is to be a celebration tonight."

The three of them looked at each other with a look that could only mean they were keeping something from her.

"That's perfect," Kiri said with a mischievous grin.

"Why?" Aha'ri slowly asked, eyeing them all. That was when she realized Lurei was hiding something behind her back.

"Because," Lurei drew out, "we made you this." She held out a flawlessly woven top of varying greens, teals, blues, and leaves that dangled from all over.

Aha'ri's jaw fell open as she took in the beautiful top being offered to her. "Lurei it's—it's beautiful. You all made this?"

They all nodded with proud smiles. "We thought we would make you a new top to celebrate. We asked the hunters around camp and they said this style would be best for hunting and fighting. So you can feel good while also looking good," Kiri smiled.

"Kiri, that's so thoughtful. I—I don't know what to say," Aha'ri shook her head. The gesture melted her heart.

"You don't have to say anything. Go, put it on! Let's see how it looks!"

Aha'ri opened her mouth to object but Lurei cut her off, "Yes, you can. And you will." She shoved to top over to her and began to shove her toward the tent.

"Okay, okay," Aah'ri said as she took the top and hurried off to her tent to quickly change. The material was comfortable and light, while also leaving room for movement, just like they said.

She couldn't hide her smile as she walked back over to the girls and they twirled her around, taking in their handy work.

"It's perfect. Thank you," Aha'ri blushed.

The rest of the hunting party returned with yips and shouts that could be heard throughout High Camp, letting everyone know of their return and the spoils they brought with them.

The village loved having celebrations all together so it didn't take much convincing from Neytiri to start lighting the fires and starting cooking the meat. Musicians got out their flutes and beautiful tunes played over the gathering.

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