After Party

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𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟖, 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔

I hummed a song as I drove swiftly around the other cars, my hand clutching the steering wheel as my eyes focused intently on the road ahead.

The roar of the engine was a symphony in my ears, blending seamlessly with the rhythm of the music.

I was in fifth place, but the gap between me and the leaders was narrowing with every passing second.

"how many seconds."

"1.12 seconds."



I nod my head.

With a surge, I pressed down on the accelerator,

feeling the car respond instantly to my command. The tires screeched as I executed a perfect overtake, sliding past the car in fourth place with millimeters to spare.

The G-forces tugged at my body, but I remained somehow steady.

Ahead, the cars in third and second place were jostling for position, their brake lights flashing as they approached the next turn.

I saw my opportunity.

As they slowed down to navigate the bend, I downshifted smoothly, my foot dancing between the brake and the throttle.

I lined up my car perfectly, threading the needle between them with surgical precision. My heart pounded, but my movements were calm and deliberate.

I emerged from the turn in third place, the cars I had just overtaken now behind me. Hamilton was still a few car lengths ahead, but I could see his every move, anticipating his strategy.

The straight was coming up, and I knew this was my chance to close the distance between the two of us.

I shifted gears, the car easily responded with a powerful burst of speed causing the engine to roar, the scenery around me blurred.

My senses heightened; I could feel every vibration of the car, hear the slightest change in engine pitch, and see even the smallest details on the track.

Hamilton made a slight mistake, braking a fraction too late into the next turn.

To which I immediatly used to my advantage. Diving to the inside line and accelerating hard out of the corner.

We were side by side now, the finish line in sight.

With one final burst of speed, I edged ahead, my car crossing the finish line just a split second before his.

The crowd erupted in cheers, but all I could hear was the pounding of my own heart and the hum of the engine as I slowed down.

I did it.

I jumped out of the car and leaped into the crowd of red jumpsuits.

The team caught me with triumphant cheers, their faces beaming with pride. Throwing my arms in happiness, I felt the weight of victory lift me higher than ever before. Red and yellow confetti rained down from the sky, sparkling in the sunlight.

I could hear the chants and applause of the crowd, their energy fueling my own. The adrenaline was still pumping, and I couldn't stop smiling.

After the ceremony, I was gently steered away from the prying questions of the reporters.

Their eager faces and flashing cameras faded behind me as I was escorted to a more secluded part of the track.

This area was reserved for the post-race mingling of celebrities, team members, and select guests,

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