10. Ghaddar Ki Saza Mout

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Another extra long part as your Gift for Day 2 of Eid. Let me know if you want a 3rd one for the 3rd Day of Eid as well :)


It was 11am in Islamabad when they reached Marium's apartment. Murtasim rang the bell and Marium opened the door. Her hair were tied in a loose bun and her eyes had dark circles around them but she was smiling brightly like she always did. She held a boy, barely 6 months old, in her hands who was busy tugging at a loose strand of her hair.
"Assalam o Alaikum Bhai." Marium greeted her brother cheerfully. Then her eyes landed on someone standing behind her brother. She gasped in surprise and screamed. "MEERAB TUM?"
Meerab ran forward to hug her and the little boy tried to push Meerab away clearly hating a stranger coming so close to his mother. Then he seemed to notice the stranger's hair were loose and he tugged at them while giggling gleefully. Mama always kept hers tied up but now he had finally gotten what he wanted.
"Oww" Meerab tried to free her hair from his grasp.
"Sheri buri bat. Khala ke sath aese nahi karte."
Murtasim cleared his throat and whispered, "Maami."
"Ji bhai ander aa jaye ap log." Marium asked them to come in.
The apartment was small but well furnished. Marium seated them in the living room and put her son down. He crawled towards Meerab and tugged at her clothes wanting to be picked up.
"Looks like he likes you Meerab. He wants you to pick him up. He rarely does that to anyone. He doesn't even allow his dadi to pick him up. I'm surprised." Marium was amused and surprised at the same time.
"Mei ne pehle hi Murtasim se kaha tha ke it seems he has taken after his Mamu. See he likes me too." Meerab remarked causing Murtasim to blush.
Then she picked the little boy and made him sit in her lap. He seemed to like her ring and was trying to remove it from her finger. Marium noticed that ring and realised the relationship between her brother and Meerab. She was still unsure about how it had happened but she was happy for both of them. Explanations could wait.
"Oh now it makes sense why Bhai corrected me when I said khala. But Bhai let me correct you, Meerab is first my sister then she is your fiancée."
"Okay okay have it your way." Murtasim was too tired to argue on such a small thing.
"Marium yar achi si chaye tou pila do please. Pyari behan ho na." Murtasim requested.
"Han ap log bethe please mei banati hu."
"I'll accompany you." Meerab stood up and handed the baby to Murtasim but he clung to her.
"Ab tou lag raha hai khala pe gaya hai." Murtasim smirked at Meerab as he said this causing her cheeks to turn pink.
Meerab ignored him and headed to the kitchen with her nephew. His tiny fists tightly held onto her shirt and his face was buried in her neck.
"So gaya hai kya?" Marium asked when she saw her son in that position in Meerab's arm.
"Meerab do you know that you'll be a great mother whenever the time comes."
"I agree," a manly voice behind Meerab said. Murtasim had followed them into the kitchen. Meerab's heart beat became fast as he came closer.
"Living room me chalen ap log. Chaye almost ready hai mei abhi le ke ayi."
Meerab seated herself on the sofa and Murtasim sat beside her. She ignored him and stroked Sheri's back as he comfortably slept in her arms.
"Thak jaogi Meerab, put him down. Tumhe already kal fever horha tha."
Meerab shook her head. "I don't want to. I don't know why but it feels good."
Marium then arrived with tea and some snacks.
"Meerab give him to me, mei iss ko cot me dal deti hu."
Reluctantly, Meerab handed the toddler over to his mother and then picked up a cup of tea. She handed it to Murtasim, then picked up another for herself.

Marium came back and asked them, "Bhai and Meerab, you both have a lot to tell me."
Murtasim nodded and told her everything over the tea. Marium was beyond shocked. She just shook her head in disbelief.
"Ya Allah Meerab! You had to go through so much. I had no idea."
Meerab just shrugged. "My life took an unexpected turn after I turned 18. I guess I'm getting used to it now." Meerab tried to sound nonchalant but the hurt was visible in her voice causing Murtasim to put an arm around her shoulder in order to comfort her.

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