Chapter 15

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"Rise and shine!" Abernathy exclaimed, his mischievous grin stretching across his face, his voice filled with a hint of excitement. "Today is a special day, my little minion. The sun's golden rays pierced through the curtains, casting a warm glow on Abernathy's face. The room was enclosed in a muted silence, interrupted only by the faint sounds of birds chirping outside.

Abernathy's eyes sparkled with a twisted delight as he continued, his words laced with chilling anticipation.

"There was a tragic incident over the weekend, a mass shooting that shattered thirty-five lives. The air reeked of gunpowder, mingling with the scent of fear and desperation. Blood stained the floors, its metallic aroma lingering in the air. At the same time, bodies lay strewn about, a haunting montage of devastation. Can you believe it?"

John's voice, heavy with resignation, cut through the tense atmosphere.

"I know where this is going," he muttered, his words barely audible amidst the weight of despair. The room seemed to grow colder as if echoing John's inner turmoil.

"What if I refuse?"

"Funny you should ask," a twisted smile on his lips. His voice carried a mocking edge as if relishing the power he held.

"I will answer your questions with a question. What happens when you dare to disobey? Or better yet, what happens if you dare to exploit your privileged position? How many would kill for the opportunity you have?" Abernathy's words hung in the air, thick with taunting implications.

John's voice trembled with despair, his words filled with desperate defiance. "I cannot bear the weight of such responsibility on my conscience. I acknowledge the tragedy and the pain it has caused, but I had no part in it, you despicable fool!"

Abernathy's tone shifted, laced now with a menacing undertone. "That's where you're mistaken. Are you trying to claim that you will willingly abandon the chance to save thirty-five lives?"

His voice dripped with a threatening tone, his anger simmering beneath the surface. "Nice insult! That takes courage, my friend. The courage that could easily be crushed, your life extinguished, as swiftly as carving a jack-o-lantern from your torso!"

John stood his ground, and his voice laced with defiance. "Your empty threats and arrogant demeanor only reveal the sad vulnerability of a pathetic child, bartering away all that is valuable for a Twinkie."

Abernathy interrupted, his voice rising to a manic pitch. "Okay, Sherlock, have you forgotten? Have you?" He burst into maniacal laughter, his grip on sanity slipping.

"I have you cornered, my dear boy. Better pick up that bouquet of oopsie-daisies! Remember dear Jane? I graciously allowed you to be with her from the kindest of my heart. But not only can I take that away, but I can also unleash the Dog as a weapon, who would gladly extinguish her life with a mere press of a button! You constantly forget who holds the reins here, and I feel like a broken record trying to explain it to a damn toddler. How difficult can it be?

"It's pretty simple. You follow my orders and can continue your time with the miserable woman and her mutt." Abernathy chuckled, wiping away the tears of laughter with his stained shirt. "But let me entertain you with something even more delightful, my dear Sherlock," Abernathy continued, his grin widening with sadistic pleasure.

"You see that charismatic 'vet,' Dr. Argow, who has been charming your precious Jane? Well, here's the kicker: he's no vet at all. In fact, I hired him, an actor playing the part, to toy with your emotions. Oh, I've derived joy from watching your face twist with jealousy whenever he's near her! It's been a delicious spectacle for me, witnessing your torment."

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