Chapter 45 - A Warning

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The days had flown by faster than expected.

We were getting closer and closer to our final exam, which meant Horikita's and Hirata's study sessions had continued non-stop.

With those two and myself coming up with exam questions to use against Class C, you could say we were running on fumes for the most part.

Occasionally, Ichinose and her fellow Class B members would drop in from time to time to participate in the study group or to help tutor others.

Each and every time, Ichinose spent the majority of our study session tutoring me. Most likely because she was concerned about the potential of a friend dropping out of school. But I appreciated the sentiment.

Before I joined Horikita's fifth study group session today, though, I had some matters to attend to.

"You walk slow," I called out to my associate.

"Tch, I'll meet with you when I want to," Kushida spat back at me.

After I met with Kushida in my room, I made it clear to her that I wanted information about everything going on. Including her plans to thwart Horikita.

Today was our first meeting since that faithful day. We decided to speak to each other in a secluded part just outside the school's library before the next study session.

"So, it's been a few days since the Paper Shuffle test was announced. I want to know what you're planning to do or have already done," I asked.

"You know I hate you."

"That's not what I was asking about. Tell me what has happened."

Kushida clicked her tongue in frustration as she struggled to get a rise out of me. "I made contact with Horikita-san about this special exam."

"What happened then?"

"We had a quick discussion about my past which I don't care to tell you. And she asked to make a bet with me."

A bet, eh? Horikita didn't always make moves this risky unless she had absolute faith that she could win. "What entails this bet?"

"Horikita-san made a bet that if I score higher on her on a subject during this final exam of my choice. She will willingly drop out of school. And if she scores higher than me, I have to stop targeting her."

"That's quite an interesting bet... anything else?" I continued to pry.

"The Former Student Council President played as a witness to this verbal agreement of ours."

Seemed Horikita was extremely serious about this duel of theirs. Even going to the lengths of reaching out to her older brother as a witness.

"What subject did you agree to?"

"Mathematics, one of my strongest subjects," Kushida continued. "Now, that's everything. And I hate breathing the same air as you, so I'll be going."

Kushida made quick steps to escape the conversation.

But I quickly grabbed onto the back of her collar, stopping her from moving at all.

"Hey! What gives you, idiot!"

"You didn't tell me everything, now, did you?"

Kushida didn't respond immediately, she stared off into the distance for a brief moment. After a brief moment of thinking she slapped my hand off her collar and turned back to face me.

"I wish I had expelled you first," she said.

"Your greatest mistake. Now, what else do you know?"

"I also had a brief meeting with Horikita-san and Ayanokouji-kun."

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