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Y/n's p.o.v
''What the fuck is this'' I cry as all of the guys are now in the kitchen while I'm sitting at the bar shaking. My poor baby onyx. ''This is some creepy shit'' Balz mumbles while chris is rubbing my back trying to comfort me as I cry. ''Maybe it's a sick joke'' Tom tries to rationalize the situation. ''If it were a fucking joke it would've been anything else but a dead animal, let alone my fucking cat!'' I yell. ''Baby calm down'' Bill says in a comforting tone walking up to me and hugging me. ''They cut the head off of my fucking cat Bill!!'' I yell as I sob into his chest.

I feel at blame considering I was the one who let her be an outside and indoors cat but then again never in my wildest dreams did I ever think something like this would ever happen in a neighborhood like this. I pull away from Bill and look at Tom. ''Who delivered the box?'' I ask him. ''I don't know they just left it and vanished, honestly we should have left that fence up'' he sighs making me nod my head. ''None of us are at blame okay?'' Bill says making me look down.

''We'll get cameras okay? And we'll get a dog to watch over the house'' he says making me nod my head okay as I hug him tightly. The guys all stand there still in shock. ''What do we do with this?'' Ricky asks pointing to the box. I pull away from Bill sniffling and wipe my tears with my my hand. ''I'll take care of her'' I whisper solemnly and walk over to the now closed box picking it up and walking out the back door. I walk from the patio down to the dirt patch for my garden of lilies and lavender that onyx liked to lay and lounge around in. I set the box down and make my way over to the little shed. I go in and grab a shovel before exiting and making my way to the flower bed. Soon I dig up a lavender plant making sure the roots aren't damaged before I start digging a deep hole. The box in all honesty was not that big.

I start to cry as I think about my cat. She was such a sweetie. Bill and I had adopted her as soon as I moved in because we both wanted one. Sometimes at night she would sleep in between us all cuddled up. I wanted to give her the best life she could ever have but I failed her. I start sobbing as I continue shoveling up the dirt before I make it a good size and distance into the ground. I drop the shovel and lower myself onto my knees while sobbing my eyes out. I pick up the box and I carefully place it down into the bottom of the hole. ''I'm sorry i failed you'' I cry as I talk to her.

''I should have never let you outside, I'm so sorry kitty'' I cry as I take a pile of dirt and start putting it over the box slowly covering it. ''I'm so so sorry'' i continue to cry as i slowly bury the only thing left of my cat. I feel the hand of Bill on my back. Before the hole is fully covered I add in the lavender plant and pat the ground to make sure it's all stable before turning to Bill. He's sitting beside me with a frown on his face. I quickly wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly while crying.

Chris's p.o.v
''I think this is no coincidence'' Tom says as we are all still standing in the kitchen. ''What do you mean?'' I ask averting my gaze from Bill and Y/n to Tom with furrowed brows. ''Last night before you guys arrested Y/n we walked into the house when you went to Ross and it was trashed. Some one had broken in and I can guarantee with what happened last year and 4 years ago, these are both connected instances.'' Tom clarifies to us.

''Who do you think it is then?'' Ryan looks to Tom. ''No idea, but I can guarantee that it most likely has to do with the fucking bunnyman'' he sighs making all of our eyes go wide while looking at eachother. ''So what does this mean?'' Ricky whispers. ''It means we all can be targets'' Tom shrugs. ''But for some reason its mainly Y/n who is targeted'' he adds on making all of our heads turn to Y/n and Bill who are still hugging eachother while Y/n's body trembles.

☆It's Not Over?☆- Bill Kaulitz (sequel)Where stories live. Discover now